Li Yong Bao Tong was cast by Zhu Youlang (Yongming Wang) of Nanming Wang Gui on 1647 when he proclaimed himself emperor in Zhaoqing, Guangdong. Divided into Xiaoping, Zheer, Dang Wu and Dang Shi. There are four kinds of calendar characters in the lower half, namely Shuang Mu Day, Shuang Mu Day, Shuanghe Day and Shuanghe Day. Looking up Ci Hai, we found that there are other ways to write the calendar characters, such as from Shuanghe to stop, from Shuang Mu to stop, and from Shuanghe to one heart. I wonder if it is used in other coins? Five cents: one cent:
Note: Zhu Youlang was born in Beijing in the third year of the Apocalypse, and his father Zhu was the seventh son.