1. Confucius said, "Learning from time to time is not as good as learning from time to time, is it? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Ignorance and dissatisfaction are not gentlemen? "
2. Zeng Zitao said, "I will save myself three times a day: Are you unfaithful to others?" Don't believe in making friends? Can't you learn? "
3. Zeng Zikai said: "Be cautious to the end, pursue the distance, and the people's morality is thick!"
Carefully arranging parents' funerals and paying homage to ancestors can make the moral customs of ordinary people simple.
4. Confucius said, "Governing the country by virtue is like the place where Beichen lives and the stars are everywhere."
5. Confucius said, "Poetry costs 300 yuan. In a word, Confucius said' thinking is innocent'. "
6. Confucius said: "I am determined to learn five out of ten, stand up at thirty, not be confused at forty, know my destiny at fifty, listen to my ears at sixty, and do what I want at seventy, without exceeding the rules."
7. Confucius said, "Reviewing the past and learning the new can be a teacher."
8. Confucius said, "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous."
9. Confucius said, "What do you know? Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, but knowing. "
10. Confucius called Ji Jia: "Bashu dances in court, how can it be tolerated?" Why not? "
1 1. Confucius said to him, "A monarch makes his ministers polite and his ministers are loyal to him."
12. Confucius said, "If you listen to the Tao, you will die in the evening."
13. Confucius said, "A gentleman is righteous, but a villain is beneficial."
14. "Confucius said: Seeing the sage Si Qi, I don't reflect on myself."
15. Confucius said, "If you don't travel far, you must travel well."
My parents are alive and I don't travel far. If they want to travel far, they must tell them where to go. "Fang" means "a certain place, direction, and more importantly" method ". When you go out when your parents are healthy, let them know that your place is safe. If parents need physical care and need to go out, they should "arrange" ways to "take good care of their parents" and let them "have" ways to be filial.
16. Confucius said: "You must know the age of your parents; One is happy and the other is afraid. "
17. Confucius said, "If Germany is not alone, there must be neighbors."
Moral people will not be lonely, and they must be accompanied by like-minded people.
18. Zaiying sleeps during the day. Confucius said, "Rotten wood can't be carved, nor can the wall of dung be carved. What is the punishment? "
19. Confucius said, "I am quick and eager to learn, and I am not ashamed to ask questions, which is called' Wen'."
20. Confucius said, "In a city with ten rooms, there must be faithful people. It is better to learn from the mountains."
2 1. Confucius said, "Good! Also came back. A spoonful of food, a spoonful of drink, in a dirty alley. If you can't bear it, you will be worried. If you go back, you won't change your fun. Xian zai! Retreat. "
22. Confucius said, "Knowing is not as good as being kind, and being kind is not as good as being happy."
23. Confucius said: "You are above people, and you can also talk about it; Below China people, you can't say it orally. "
24. Confucius said, "I know the meaning of serving the people and staying away from ghosts and gods."
25. Confucius said: "The knower enjoys water, and the benevolent enjoys Leshan; The knower moves, and the benevolent is quiet; Those who know are happy, and those who are benevolent are longevity. "
Confucius said: "The wise man love the water, while the wise man loves mountains;" Wise people move, benevolent people are quiet. Wise people are happy, and benevolent people live long. "