What are the classic philosophical books at home and abroad?

Plato: Utopia. Aristotle: Metaphysics, the Ethics of Nikolai. Augustus: Confession. Descartes: the first philosophical meditation. Locke: human understanding theory, government theory. Spinoza: A New Theory of Human Reason. Montesquieu: On the Spirit of Law. Rousseau: On social contract and the origin of human inequality. Mill: On Freedom. Body and ink: the theory of human nature, the study of human understanding. Kant: Introduction to Future Metaphysics, Critique of Pure Reason, Principles of Moral Metaphysics. Hegel: phenomenology of spirit. Nietzsche: The Birth of Tragedy, The Will of Power-An Attempt to Re-evaluate All Values. Husserl: logical research, phenomenological concept. Heidegger: Being and Time. Wittgenstein: on logical philosophy, philosophical research, Gadamer: truth and method. Sartre: Existentialism is a humanism; Foucault: words and things; Archaeology of knowledge. Popper: Poverty of Historical Determinism. John? Rawls' theory of justice. Wait a minute. China's Philosophy: Zhouyi Justice, Analects of Confucius, Mencius Justice, Daxue, The Doctrine of the Mean, Notes on Laozi's Moral Classics, Notes on Zhuangzi, Notes on Xunzi, Notes on Han Feizi, Notes on Huainanzi, Notes on Chunqiu Fan Lu and Notes on Wang Bi.