During the Spring and Autumn Period, when attacking the small country Yuan Heer, the army was ordered to take only three days' rations. If they can't attack in three days, the army will retreat. The original country clung to the city and resisted stubbornly. Three days later, failed to capture the country of origin. Jin Wengong ordered the retreat. The commander-in-chief said: "According to the news, the original country will not last long. After the original country surrendered, we will withdraw. "
Jin Wengong said: Honesty is the foundation of the country and the hope of the people. If we break our promise for our own benefit, we will lose more than we gain. Give an order to retreat three miles. After hearing this, the original country voluntarily surrendered to the State of Jin.
Confucius said: "People can't stand without faith" and "People don't know what to do without faith", which explained the importance of honesty in theory. Facts speak plainer than words. Let facts prove the importance of honesty and the harm of dishonesty. Ceng Zi's murder comes from What Everything is done by Han Feizi, telling people that parents should not talk nonsense about their children, but do what they say. Only words and deeds can make children honest, otherwise parents will lose faith in their children.
Honesty is the foundation of trust.
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Qin Shangyang presided over the political reform with the support of Qin Xiaogong. At that time, at a time of frequent wars and panic, in order to establish prestige and promote reform, Shang Yang ordered a 30-foot-long wood to be erected outside the south gate of the capital, and made a promise in public: whoever can move this wood to the north gate will be rewarded. None of the onlookers believe that such an easy thing can get such a high reward, so no one is willing to try.
As a result, Shang Yang raised the reward. Under the four rewards, there must be brave people. Finally someone stepped forward and carried the wood to the north gate. Shang Yang rewarded him immediately. Shang Yang's move established prestige in the hearts of the people, and Shang Yang's next reform was quickly popularized in Qin State. The new law made the State of Qin stronger and eventually unified China.