Hot-blooded Jianghu can't get into the game. It always says that starting the client failed. Why?
Starting from the next client, I realized that there was something wrong with the automatic patch update, so I went to official website to patch it manually. Download a patch manually and go to official website. After downloading, install the patch (for example, your Jianghu client is on disk D, you should first extract the patch to disk E (of course, create a new folder)), and then open the patch folder you just put on disk E, there will be about 4 to 5 files. Regardless of him, press Ctrl+A to select all and copy! Ctrl+C is copied to the Jianghu client on the D panel to display the situation in Lin Nan (double-click to open it). Press Ctrl+V to paste directly, and you will be prompted whether to overwrite all of them. Click Yes to All. When you open it again, it will be the latest version.