Wu Zuxiang said: A rich husband does no harm to others, a poor and beautiful man can't grasp the situation, and a wise man is beyond his reach. A chivalrous man thinks he is strong because of his courage, and sharp-eyed because of his insight. He thinks that he is virtuous because of virtue, and he is strict if he doesn't enjoy the country. Moreover, the husband's taste and power are in people, and they are happy without learning. A husband wants to avoid evil and not wait for a teacher. This man is human, too. Although the world is not mine, who can quit!
In terms of knowledge: those who know it, so use it for the people, do not violate its degree, do not argue with enough, disagree, and do not plan. If you don't pursue enough, you won't be greedy if you work hard everywhere; There is more than one old saying, abandon the world and don't think cheap. The reality of honesty and greed is not forced by the outside world, but also the degree of supervision. be just like
Be the son of heaven instead of being proud of you, be the rich man in the world instead of playing with money. It is not for fame to plan trouble and worry about the opposite, so it is harmful to sex, so quitting is not for fame. Yao and Shun are emperors, but they don't care about the world and don't kill people with beauty. Good quantity, allowing the emperor not to accept, not empty concessions, not to harm himself. This is all about its advantages and disadvantages, but if the world calls it virtue, it can be there, and it is not to promote reputation.
No feet: you must keep your name, and you will never be willing to suffer. If you support yourself to live, you will still be ill for a long time and will not die.
Unity of knowledge and action: peace is a blessing, those who do more harm are nothing but things, and those who are rich are also. Nowadays, rich people listen to the bells and drums, talk about the taste of straw wine, feel their meaning, and forget their business, which can be described as a mess.
These six things are the most harmful in the world, forgetting and not knowing, suffering from them, seeking to exhaust their wealth, and not getting them for no reason. Therefore, you can't see the name of the view, but you can't seek benefits. It's not chaotic to argue about this!
Wu Zuxiang said: "People should be rich, enjoy the beauty of the world, and have the greatest power in the world. This is something that people with extremely noble morality can't get, and people with wisdom can't catch up. There is nothing wrong with this; Holding others' courage is used to show their strength, holding others' wisdom is used to show their insight, and relying on others' virtue is used to win a benign reputation. Although they didn't enjoy the benefits of state power, they had the same dignity as your father.
As for music, beauty, taste and strength, everyone naturally likes it before learning it, and the body does not need to imitate it. Desire, disgust, avoidance, and condescension are inherently unnecessary. This is human nature. Even if everyone thinks my point of view is wrong, who can get rid of it? "
He Zhi said: "Smart people always act according to the people's ideas and never go against their wishes. So when they are satisfied, they will not fight, and there is nothing to ask for if they do nothing. I am greedy because I can't be satisfied, but I don't think I am greedy for the property of the four sides; I know enough, so I give in everywhere and give up the world without thinking that I am clean. Honesty and greed are not forced by external forces, so we should look back at their respective endowments.
Being in the position of the son of heaven, you don't have to look down on others, you can own the world with money, and you don't have to tease others with wealth. Think about its consequences, then consider the opposite of things, think that it is harmful to the nature of nature, so refusing to accept it is not to use it to seek fame and glory.
Yao and Shun, as emperors, are harmonious and unified with each other, not because they are benevolent to the world, but because they don't want to harm their lives because of the pursuit of beauty. Shan Juan and Xu You can get the position of emperor, but they are not resigned to their fate, nor are they insincerely refusing to surrender, but they don't want to endanger their lives by governing the world. These people can learn from their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, so people praise them as wise people. It can be seen that the reputation of the wise can also be obtained, but their original intention is not to establish a personal reputation. "
Wu Zu said, "You must keep your reputation. Even if you work hard, refuse food and scrimp to make a living, you must be a person who has been tired for a long time and is not dead. "
He Zhi said: "Equality is happiness and excess is evil. This is the case, but the property is more prominent. Nowadays, the rich man's ears seek the music of bells, drums and flutes, and his mouth is satisfied with the delicious meat and wine, which has aroused his desire and forgotten his career. It can be said that it is extremely confused.
The above situation is the biggest disaster in the world, so I forgot all about it without asking for inspection. When the disaster comes, it is impossible to return to poverty and seek peace one day if you want to lose everything to save your life. So from the point of view of fame, we can't see it, but from the point of view of interests, we can't get it, so that our body and mind are so troubled that we compete for fame and fortune. Is it confusing? "
Extended data:
"Shopper" is a person's name and refers to a thief named Shopper. The title of this article is the names of people. The center of the content of Stealing Feet is to attack Confucianism, criticize the hypocrisy and deception of Confucian views, and advocate returning to nature and letting nature take its course.
This article has written three fables, which are naturally divided into three parts. In the first book "It's hard to avoid a tiger's mouth", I wrote a dialogue between a thief and Confucius. Confucius advised the thief to steal his feet, but he was severely reprimanded by the thief, calling him a "clever fake". A large number of examples of stealing employment from ancient times to the present prove that Confucian concepts such as sages, sages and loyal ministers are not in line with the facts, and Confucian ideas are not feasible. Even Confucius himself was "not born in the world" because he "ate without plowing, clothed without weaving, moved without moving, and made trouble.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Zhuangzi Zapian Pirates Plantation