Ceng Zi's wife went to the market, and her son followed her, crying as he walked. Ceng Zi's wife said to her son, "Go back first and wait for me to kill the pig for you." When his wife came back from the market, Ceng Zi wanted to catch a pig and was going to kill it. His wife stopped him at once and said, "I just played a joke on my son."
Ceng Zi said, "Don't joke with your son. My son knows nothing. He only learns from his parents and listens to their teachings. If you cheat him now, you are educating him to cheat others. If a mother cheats her son, his son will no longer trust his mother. This is not the right way to educate children. " So Ceng Zi cooked pigs for the children.
1, Bi: Pig.
2, suitable for the market: back to the market.
3, play: joking.
4. Waiting: Dependence.
5. Zi: This is the second person's address of "you".
Original text:
Ceng Zi's wife went to the market, and her son walked behind her crying. Ceng Zi's wife said to her son, "Go back first and wait for me to kill the pig for you." . "When his wife came back from the market, Ceng Zi wanted to catch a pig and prepare to kill it. His wife stopped him at once and said, "I'm just joking with my son." Ceng Zi said, "Babies have nothing to do with play. Babies must be knowledgeable, treat their parents and scholars, and listen to their parents. Today's son deceives him, but also teaches him to bully him. The mother deceived her son, and the son became a teacher when he didn't believe in his mother. " So Ceng Zi cooked the pig for the baby.
Appreciation of Kill Bi
Killing Pigs in Ceng Zi tells the story that Ceng Zi's wife promised her son to kill pigs for him when she coaxed her children. Later, in order to fulfill this promise, Ceng Zi really killed the pig. "After Ceng Zi's death" is a well-known story, which explains a truth in a popular and profound way: once parents make a promise, they must keep it. Ceng Zi used his own actions to teach children to keep promises and be honest with others.
In order not to break his promise to the children, Ceng Zi actually killed the pig and cooked it for the children. The purpose is to educate and influence future generations with an honest and credible attitude towards life. It embodies the Confucian moral concept of "keeping promises". But this is not necessarily the original intention of this fable. Han Feizi's original intention is only to publicize his legal thought of attaching importance to law and keeping promise, and to ask the rulers to make strict laws, and then there are laws to follow and the laws must be strictly enforced.
For the above contents, please refer to Baidu Encyclopedia-Ceng Zi Killing Bi (Ceng Zi Cooking Bi).