The Qin dynasty destroyed Zeus, merged with the sea, became a vassal, proclaimed himself emperor in the south, and supported the world. People in the world are as bright as the wind. If so, why? Yue: There has been no king recently. Zhou Shi is humble, five tyrants are destroyed, and the world is unbearable. It is based on the governors' efforts to govern, bullying the weak, the public being violent and widowed, the soldiers constantly reforming, and the scholars stopping the disadvantages. Today, Qinnan is the king of the world, and the world has a son of heaven. Since the people of Yuanyuan (1) have saved their lives, we should look up modestly. At this time, this is the foundation of security.
The king of Qin was greedy for profit, self-motivated, did not believe in merit, did not kiss the gentry, abandoned the king and set up an affair, burned books and buried Confucianism, and bullied power before righteousness, which began with tyranny. Husband merger is fraudulent and safe. This statement is not the same as keeping it. It is not easy for Qin to rule the world from the Warring States period, and its politics will not change, so it is also taken. People who keep it are no different. There is loneliness, so its death can stand and stay. In order to control his own administration, the king of Qin allowed to discuss the affairs of the world and the traces of the Yin and Zhou Dynasties. Although he is immoral and arrogant, he is still in no danger. Therefore, Three Kings (2) built this world with beautiful names and long-term achievements.
(Note: ① Yuan Yuan is kind and pitiful. (2) Three Kings, Yu Xia, Shang Tang and Zhou Wenwang. )
Question 1: One of the following sentences with added words is () (3 points.
A. call the emperor the south and raise the world: nurture and rule
B. Bullying the weak, the masses are violent: brutality
C. Zhou Shi's Humility: Decline
D. if the soldiers continue to fight, the soldiers will stop the disadvantages: the same as "tired" and "tired". 2. The meanings and usages of the following words are different: () (3 points)
A. A safe life Qin has spare capacity to control its disadvantages.
B. abandon the kingship and love these four kings privately, and be wise and believe.
C. the king of Qin was greedy and even angry with the first emperor and after VI.
D. order is not suitable for everyone in the world, and it is also a small problem to be impatient with the teachers of the nine countries. 3. One of the following statements is () (3 points)
A. Qin Shihuang's unification of the world was unpopular, and later he practiced tyranny, so the Qin Dynasty was quickly overthrown.
B. the humility of the people in the world shows that they want to live a stable life, which shows that the reunification of Qin is in line with the people's hearts.
C. It is desirable to adopt some fraudulent means to annex the world, but if you want to save the world after stability, you must implement benevolent government.
D. Qin Shihuang did not understand that the offensive and defensive trend had changed, and he ruled the world by deception, which eventually led to the demise of the Qin Dynasty. Question 4: Translate the following classical Chinese sentences. (10)
(1) Abandoning the kingship and setting up private love, burning documents and torturing the law, raping before righteousness, began with tyranny. (4 points)
(2) Earthworms don't have the advantages of minions, and their bones and muscles are strong. They eat Egyptian soil and drink yellow water. (3 points)
(3) The governors are afraid, and they will form an alliance with themselves, seeking to weaken the State of Qin, and they don't like the land of wealth, so that the people all over the world will do it. (3 points)
Question 1:B (violence, bullying)
Question 2:D (A Qi, theirs; B tied the table; C, auxiliary words, there are; On the table; Comparison, table comparison)
Question 3:A (Qin Shihuang's unification of the world conforms to public opinion, but it should not be followed by tyranny)
Question 4: (1) abandon benevolent government, establish personal authority, ban ancient books and poems, implement cruel and cruel laws, put treacherous power ahead, put benevolence and loyalty behind, and take cruelty as the premise of governing the world.
(2) Omission
(3) Omission
Qin unified the world, annexed the princes, proclaimed himself emperor in the court, and supported the four seas. Why do all the scholars in the world obey the wind? The answer is: since ancient times, there has been no emperor who unified the world for a long time. The power of the Zhou royal family is very weak. After the five tyrants died one after another, the emperor's orders could not pass through the world. So the princes conquered each other by force, the strong invaded the weak, there were many bullies, the war continued, and the soldiers and civilians were tired. Now southern Qin Huang claims to be the emperor and rules the world, which means that there is a son of heaven in the world. In this way, those poor people all hope to live on him, and no one admires the emperor insincerely. At this time, it is the key to maintain authority and stabilize the results, whether it is stable or dangerous.
With the heart of greed and meanness, the king of Qin only wanted to display his personal wisdom, distrust the heroes, stay away from the people, abandon benevolent governance and kingliness, establish personal authority, ban ancient books and poems, implement cruel and cruel laws, put deceitful power ahead, put benevolence and loyalty behind, and take cruelty as the premise of governing the world. To implement the merger, we should pay attention to bullying the market; To stabilize the country, we should pay attention to timely response: in other words, we cannot seize and protect the world in the same way. After the Warring States period, Qin unified the world, and its route and laws remained unchanged, which was the same as its method of seizing and protecting the world. The king of Qin alone owned the world, so his demise came soon. If the king of Qin can take into account the ancient situation and formulate and implement his own policies according to the road of Shang and Zhou Dynasties, then even if there are arrogant and extravagant monarchs, there will be no disaster of collapse and peril. Therefore, Yu Xia, Shang Tang, Zhou Wenwang and Zhou Wuwang have established a country with outstanding names and long-term achievements.