Bao Xuan's wife Huan is the daughter of Bao Xuan's teacher. The teacher saw that Bao Xuan's family was poor, but he studied hard and got good grades. She thought he must be a talent, so she married her daughter Huan to him. When Shao Jun got married, she brought a lot of dowry, gorgeous clothes and maids, but Bao Xuan was very unhappy after seeing it. You grew up in a rich family, used to wearing gorgeous clothes and eating luxurious food, and I was too poor to meet your future life requirements. ?
Shao Jun said? My father married me because he took a fancy to your noble character and cultivation. Now that he has made an agreement with you, he will certainly respect your wishes. ? After that, he returned all his belongings, his first daughter and gorgeous clothes, put on ordinary clothes of civilians, and Bao Xuan and his car came to his house. After entering the house, she first met her mother-in-law, then went out to fetch water with a bucket and began to work like a peasant woman. People nearby praised her when they saw her.
Meng Guang was the wife of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Hongliang was famous before she got married. Many people wanted him to be a son-in-law, but he never agreed. Later, I somehow married Meng Guang, who was black, fat, thick and ugly, but this ugly wife Meng Guang was impressive as soon as she entered the room. Not only is she stronger than men, but she can also do heavy work in the fields. On the second day of marriage, she changed into coarse clothes and began to do housework. She is a low-key and reasonable person. Every time Hongliang comes home from work, he will put the prepared food in a wooden box, bend over to the height of his eyebrows and invite his husband to enjoy the food to show his respect for him. This is ancient? Qi Mei? It is precisely because Meng Guang respects her husband so much that although she is not beautiful, she is cherished by her husband and praised by the people.