There was a scholar named Wang in Taiyuan. When he went out early in the morning, he met a woman on the road, carrying a burden in her arms and running alone, with hard steps. Wang Sheng quickened his pace to catch up with her. When he saw that she was fifteen or sixteen years old and very beautiful, he began to admire her. He asked the woman, "Why did you leave alone in the early morning?"
The woman said, "People on the road can't be companions to relieve their worries. Why ask more? " Wang Sheng said, "If you have any concerns, just say it. Maybe I can work and won't refuse. " The woman looked sad and said, "My parents were greedy for money and sold me to a rich family. My first wife was very jealous of me. Scold or beat all day. I really can't stand this humiliation, so I plan to fly away. " Wang Sheng asked again, "Where are you going?"
The woman said, "I'm on the run. I have nowhere to go." Wang Sheng said, "My home is not far from here. I can stay here if I want. " The woman agreed happily. Wang Sheng helped her with her luggage and led her home together. Seeing that there was no one else in the room, the woman asked, "Why don't you have any family?" Wang Sheng replied, "This is my study."
The woman said, "This is a good place. If you sympathize with me and let me live, you must keep it a secret and don't tell anyone. " Wang Sheng readily agreed to move in with her. Wang Sheng let her hide in the secret room, and no one knew it for many days. Later, I told my wife Chen quietly that Chen suspected that this woman was a concubine of a large family and advised her husband to send her away, but she didn't listen at all.
By chance, Wang Sheng met a Taoist in the market. After seeing him, the Taoist priest looked amazed. Ask him, "What have you met?" Wang Sheng said, "Nothing happened." The Taoist priest said, "You are surrounded by evil spirits. How can you say you haven't met anything? " Wang Sheng tried to defend himself.
The Taoist priest had to leave, and when he left, he said regretfully, "What a fool! There are people in the world who are dying and don't know it! " Wang Sheng has to doubt this woman, because he has something on his mind. On second thought, it is a beautiful girl, how can it be a monster? I guess it's a Taoist priest who kills monsters in town to earn a few mouthfuls. In a short time, he returned to the study, pushed the door and found that it was plugged in and could not get in.
So I became suspicious and climbed over the wall, and the door was closed tightly. He crept to the window and peeped in. He saw an evil ghost with a green face and serrated teeth. The ghost spread a human skin on the bed and painted on it with colored pens. I finished it quickly, threw the pen aside, and then lifted the human skin with my hand and put it on my body, instantly becoming a girl.
Seeing this, Wang Sheng was frightened. Without saying a word, he climbed out like a dog and ran after the Taoist priest in a panic. However, the Taoist priest has long since disappeared. He looked everywhere and finally met him outside. Wang Sheng plopped down on his knees and asked the Taoist for help.
The Taoist said, "I'll drive you away. In fact, this ghost is also poor. I finally found a body double, and I can't bear to hurt its life. " So he handed the fly to Wang Sheng and told him to take it back and hang it on the bedroom door. When they parted, he and Wang Sheng agreed to meet him at Di Qing Temple.
When Wang Sheng returned home, he didn't dare to go to the study, so he slept in the back room at night and hung the fly given to him by the Taoist priest on the door. At about one o'clock, he heard a noise outside the door. Wang Sheng didn't dare to look at it herself, but let his wife secretly look at it. I saw the woman coming and looked at the flies on the door, afraid to enter the house.
The woman gnashed her teeth outside the door and stood for a long time before leaving. After a while, he came back again. He cursed, "The Taoist priest scared me. I can't spit out what I ate in my mouth!" " "So, he caught the fly and smashed it, even broke in, went straight to Wang Sheng's bed, cut open Wang Sheng's intestines, grabbed Wang Sheng's heart with both hands and left.
Wang Sheng's wife screamed with fear. When the maid came in with a candle, she saw that Wang Sheng was dead, and her chest was covered with fuzzy blood. Chen cried with fear.
The next day, Jiro, Wang Sheng's younger brother, was asked to tell the Taoist priest. The Taoist priest was angry and said, "I had pity on it." How dare you! " "Come with Jiro right away. But that woman has disappeared. The Taoist priest looked up and looked around, saying, "Fortunately, I didn't go far." He asked again, "Who lives in the South Yard? "
Jiro said, "I live there." The Taoist said, "It's at your house now." Jiro was surprised and thought there was no such thing. The Taoist priest asked again, "Has a stranger been here?" Jiro replied, "I went to Di Qing Temple early in the morning to ask you. I really don't know. I can go back and ask. "
Jiro went for a while and came back and said, "Sure enough, someone came. An old woman came in the morning and wanted to be a servant in my house. My wife left her at home. " "This is the ghost," the Taoist said. Go with Jiro immediately. The Taoist priest stood in the middle of the yard with wood blade in his hand and shouted, "Bold evil spirit, give me my fly back quickly!" "
The old woman was frightened to disgrace in the house and was about to go out to hide. The Taoist priest ran after her and knocked her to the ground with a sword. The skin fell off with a crash, and the scene became a demon, lying on the ground howling like a pig. The Taoist priest cut off its head with a wood blade, and the ghost instantly turned into smoke and circled on the ground.
The Taoist priest took out a gourd, unplugged it, put it in the smoke, and sucked all the smoke into the gourd in the blink of an eye. The Taoist blocked the mouth of the gourd and put it in a bag. Everyone looks at the skin, eyebrows, eyes, hands and feet are complete. The Taoist priest rolled the skin like a scroll and was about to leave. Chen knelt at the door and begged the Taoist priest to let him save her husband. There is no way for a Taoist to refuse. Chen cried even more sadly and couldn't get up on the ground.
On reflection, the Taoist priest said, "My magic is too shallow, and I really can't bring it back to life. I'll show you someone who can save your husband. If you ask him, there will be results. " Chen asked, "Who?" The Taoist priest said, "There is a madman in the street who often sleeps in the dirt. Try to appeal to him. Don't be angry if he insults you crazily. " Jiro also knows that there is such a person. So I bid farewell to the Taoist priest and went shopping with my sister-in-law.
They saw a beggar singing on the road, with a runny nose three feet long, filthy and inaccessible. Chen knelt down and walked forward. The beggar smiled and asked, "Does the beauty love me?" Chen explained the reason to him. The beggar smiled again and said, "Everyone can be a husband. What's the use of saving him? " Chen insisted on pleading.
The beggar said, "How strange! People die and ask me for help. Am I the king of hell? " Say that finish, angrily hit Chen with a cane. Chen endured pain and insult with tears in his eyes. The bystanders in the street gradually gathered and became a human wall around them. The beggar spat and spat all over his hand, raised it to Chen's mouth and said, "Eat!" " "
Chen blushed, but she remembered the Taoist's instructions and tried to swallow it. She only felt it stuck in her throat like a wadding, and then stagnated in her chest. The beggar smiled and said, "Beauty is in love with me!" " "Say that finish, he got up and left, also don't back. They followed Jesus into the temple, trying to ask him again, but they didn't know where he was. They looked everywhere in the temple, but they couldn't find him anywhere.
Chen returned home in shame, pitied her husband's tragic death, and recalled swallowing the beggar's phlegm and spit in front of everyone in the street. What a shame! He was so sad that he wanted to die at once. She was about to wipe off the blood and put the body in the coffin, but her family stood by and watched, and no one dared to look for her. Chen hugged the body, closed his intestines, and cleaned up while crying.
When I cried until my voice was hoarse, I suddenly felt like vomiting. I just felt that the lump stopped in my chest rushed up and spit it out. Before I could see it, it had fallen into my husband's chest. She was surprised to find that it turned out to be a person's heart, which had jumped up in her husband's chest, steaming like smoke. Chen was very surprised, so she quickly closed her husband's chest with her hands and squeezed hard.
As soon as she let go, hot air came out of the crack. So she tore the silk off as a belt and tied it tightly on her husband's chest. She touched her body with her hand again, and she gradually felt warm. Then she covered the quilt again, opened it in the middle of the night, and she was breathing. At dawn the next day, the husband finally woke up. As soon as he woke up, he said, "I was in a trance, just like in a dream. I only felt a dull pain in my stomach." When they look at the torn part of their stomachs, a scab the size of a copper coin has formed and will soon heal completely.
Yi Shi said, "What a stupid world! It is a monster, but it is regarded as a beauty. Fool, confused! It is clearly advice, but it is regarded as nonsense. However, if you covet the beauty of others and try to possess her, your wife will willingly swallow other people's phlegm. Heaven pays off, but fools don't know it. Too sad! "
The original text of the painting of Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio is as follows:
Selected from Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio by Pu Songling in Qing Dynasty.
Wang Sheng, a Taiyuan native who left early, met a girl and ran alone. It was very difficult. It's beautiful to take time and make good use of it. Heart in love, ask: "Why walk alone at night?" The girl said gloomily, "My parents were insatiable and married my concubine Zhu Men. I am so jealous that I insult it at night, far away. " Feast: "Not far from the house, it is annoying, no one cares." The happiness of women, from birth to return. Hide in the secret room for a few days and don't let anyone know. Giving birth to a wife, wife Chen, was suspected to be everyone's mistress, so I advised her to be sent away. Students don't listen.
It is also a shame to meet a Taoist once in a while. Ask: "What's the matter?" Answer: "Nothing." "You are haunted by evil spirits," said the Taoist. Why didn't you say anything? " Life is white, Taoist priests go. Born with different words, she is quite suspicious of women. Instead, I think that beauty is not a demon, and Italian Taoist priests use nightmares to hunt food.
In any case, you can't enter the Zhaimen, let alone enter the door. But over the wall, I crept through the window and saw a hideous ghost with a green face and teeth like a saw. Spread the human skin on the sofa and draw it with crayons. I threw a pen and lifted my skin, like a vibrating dress, and put it on my body, so I became a woman. Seeing this, the beast fell out in great fear. Chasing Taoist priests, in the wild, kneeling for help. It's a fly that gives birth to a child and hangs the bedroom door.
When I was born, I was afraid to go into lent. I slept in the back room, hanging. At one o'clock, I heard something outside the door and didn't dare to peek, so my wife peeked. But when I see a woman coming, I dare not enter at one stroke; I stood gnashing my teeth for a long time, but I left. When I was a child, I came back and called him "Taoist" and scared me. Finally, I would rather spit at the entrance! " Take it and smash it, and enter the bad bedroom door. I went to bed, broke my stomach and left with a heart. Wife number. Life died when a maid walked into a candle.
Let Jiro tell the Taoist priest quickly tomorrow. Taoist priests come from their younger brothers. This woman lost her position. Then he looked up and said, "Fortunately, it's not far!" Q: "Who is in the South Yard?" Jiro said, "I will give up."
"Now you're here," said the Taoist. Jiro was startled. He later went back and said, "There is fruit. I want to work for my servant's house at dawn, but the room is still there. " Taoism one by one. A servant, whose skin was scraped off, became a ghost and lay like a pig. Taoist headed by wood blade; Bodies turned into smoke and piled up everywhere. The Taoist priest took out a gourd, pulled it out, and put it in the smoke. With a whoosh, the smoke cleared up in an instant. The Taoist stuffed his mouth into his bag, but he didn't want to leave.
Chen bowed to the door and cried for the method of rebirth. Taoist Xie can't be sad in Chen Yi, and he can't get more than he bargained for. The Taoist priest said thoughtfully, "I am too shallow to die." There are lunatics in the city. Try to knock and mourn. Don't be angry if you insult your wife. "Jiro also learned that he was a different Taoist and went with his sister-in-law.
Seeing a beggar jumping on the road, your nose is three feet, so you can't get close. Chen Gu mourned it. Anger beat Chen with a stick. Chen endured the pain. The beggar vomited and vomited, raised his hand to kiss Chen and said, "Eat!" " Chen Hong surfaced, reluctant to part. Considering the instructions of the Taoist priest, I am strong. When I felt it in my throat, it was as hard as cotton wool, and I giggled and stopped at my chest. Ask for help, whether it's ok or not. Pursuit, I don't know where, I am ashamed to return.
Mourn the tragic death of her husband, regret the shame of eating and spitting, mourn and cry, and hope to die. Chen hugged the body and closed his intestines. He cried. The voice of crying is extremely hoarse and I want to vomit. I felt something stuck in my head and rushed out, but I couldn't turn back and fell into the cavity. It is human nature to be surprised to see it. Jumping in the cavity, the hot air is steaming like smoke. The urgency of the big difference is that two hands hold together and squeeze hard. If you don't slack off, qi will come out of the seam, which is an urgent bundle. Touch the body with your hands and gradually warm it. It's dawn, and I'm alive. ?
The Creative Background of Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio Painted Skin;
In the early Qing Dynasty, novels with the theme of talented people, beautiful women and daily life were unprecedentedly popular, and the aesthetic taste of novelists shifted from historical stories and the world of ghosts and gods to the real society.
Born in the troubled times of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Pu Songling has been keen on describing strange stories such as immortals and ghosts since childhood. He integrated the dark social reality and personal frustrations into his works, collected folk stories, and created unofficial history's lost essays, thus integrating himself into his own personality. In the eighteenth year of Kangxi (1679), he created and processed. Painted Skin is one of the first volumes of Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio.