Once benevolence is introduced, the result is that every descendant can realize his life value as much as possible in his own position. As we all know, wealth status is something outside the body. Death can be death, and death is not necessarily death. Virtue is the value of life and is inherent in the essence of life. If you want something, you will want something, and if you get something, it will be beneficial. This is what Mencius said. Therefore, the value of Confucius lies in that even if we have good opportunities, wealth, status and power, we can stand firm between heaven and earth, but as a person, even if I don't know a word, I can do my duty in heaven and earth with my conscience. This is the value of Confucius.
Because the initial cultural form of the Chinese nation did not form the teaching of God, it finally formed a culture, which was realized through a subjective morality, that is, the inner personality of human nature is upright and the sincerity of human life is completed, so that people can be sincere and the world is safe.
A good teacher can change the temperament of students. And there is a person who has a book that can change the temperament of a nation. This man is Confucius, and this book is The Analects. This nation is the Chinese nation, and this temperament is the "gentle" gentleman temperament. A few strange pieces of paper once in a hundred years are dust in a cellar for an eternal hero. Only the steadfast Confucianism has been kind and friendly to the people so far. Pan Shouyu, an expert in traditional Chinese studies and owner of stone carving, often said: The ancestor of a thousand-year-old civil servant, the master of an hundred emperors, the master of Confucius, is also the cultural center of China. Without Confucius, there would be no China culture. The culture of 2500 years before Confucius was handed down by Confucius. 2500 years of culture, starting with Confucius, thanks to Confucius. China's 5,000-year-old cultural representatives are pervasive!