"Your Majesty" is a courtier's title of respect for the emperor. When the emperor was talking to his courtiers, he dared not call the son of heaven directly. He had to call the waiter under the steps to tell him first. Therefore, it is called "Your Majesty", which means to convey the words of the humble to you through the princes at your feet, indicating that the humble speaks to the distinguished.
"Your Highness" was originally a title of respect for the son of heaven. However, with the development of history, the appellation objects have also changed. After the Han dynasty, it evolved into a title of respect for princes and princes. After the Tang Dynasty, only the Prince, Empress Dowager and Empress were called "Your Highnesses".
2. It appears at different times.
The word "Your Highness" appeared in ancient books much later than "Your Majesty". Generally speaking, the title of "Your Highness" is used for princes, princes, queens and queens. For example, "Your Highness" in Qiu Chi's Answer to Chen Bozhi in the Northern and Southern Dynasties refers to Xiao Hong, the king of Linchuan County. But "Your Highness" is mainly used for princes and princes. They live in the palace, so they have this title.
Related appellation
1, your Excellency
Used as a courtesy title for people in the old days. It is also often used in letters. The original intention is also because it is not convenient for relatives and peers to meet by their first names, and they often call attendants to tell them first, calling them "Your Excellency". Later, it gradually evolved into a tribute to relatives and friends. Today it is mainly used in diplomatic occasions.
2. Below the knee
Children depend on their parents' knees when they are young, so "below the knee" is childhood. Later I borrowed it from my parents, which means kindness. Later used to express love for parents; And it is used as a tribute when communicating with parents. Yuwen Hu's "Report to Mother": "Knee violation, thirty-five years." This means that I have been away from my mother for 35 years.
3. Under your command
The "people" under his command belong to the standard and are the flags used by generals. Also called "command" and "wave". Under the general banner. "Subordinate" is also a title of respect for the general.
4. then
Used in the old days to boast of courtesy. Ancient people sat at the table with their elders above them, so they claimed to be below.