(1), Gao Zi said: "Nature is still turbulent, and the East will flow eastward, while the West will flow westward. There is no distinction between human nature and water. "
Mencius said, "Water and faith are inseparable from things. Is there no difference between up and down? The goodness of human nature is even better than water. There is nothing wrong with people, and there is nothing wrong with water. Today, my husband's water, beating and jumping, can make it too long; If you are excited, you can make it in the mountains. Is this the nature of water? Its potential is natural. People can be bad and their nature is still good. "
-"Mencius Gaozi Shang"
(2), human nature is evil, and its goodness is also false. -the nature of today's people, born with good interests, is suitable, so they fight for life and resign; Born with disease and evil, follow it, so thieves are born with loyalty to death; It is appropriate to be born with a desire for eyes and ears and a good sense of sound, so fornication is born with courtesy and righteousness. But from the perspective of human nature, obeying people's feelings will be divorced from competition, suitable for committing chaos and returning to violence. Therefore, there must be a way to learn the law, be polite and righteous, and then make a speech, combine arts and sciences, and return to governance. From this perspective, human nature is evil and good is false.
-"Xunzi, Sexual Evil"
(3), "Xunzi is most despised by future generations because his words are evil. In fact, Xunzi's words are evil, Mencius' words are good, and they are not contradictory at first. Pseudo-non-camouflage, that is, today is a word. Xunzi said that' human nature is evil, and human nature is good and false', which means that human nature cannot be born with self-goodness, but should be cultivated the day after tomorrow. Therefore, it is natural that the person who paints can be Yu, and it is not inevitable that the person who paints can be Yu. Mencius said that human nature is good, that is, the person who paints can be her. "
Lv Simian