Zhuan Xu, the son of Changyi, the second son of the Yellow Emperor, is an organic division in Kyushu, China, founded in Zhuan Xu. Although the Yellow Emperor unified the Central Plains, it formed a long-term confrontation with the Chiyou tribe. It was not until Zhuan Xu that the true unity of all ethnic groups was formed. On this basis, Zhuan Xu made a clear plan for the regional organizational system of China, the name of Kyushu and the areas under its jurisdiction.
Di Ku is the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor. After Di Ku acceded to the throne, Mude was the emperor and Bo was the capital. He is observant, obedient to public opinion, considerate of the people, different people have different opinions, and the wise have different opinions, so he has improved himself and persuaded the people all over the world. It can be seen that Di Ku is an emperor who is grateful for rain and dew and obedient to the people. The greatest achievement is the establishment of solar terms, which are deeply loved by the people. In the early days of Yao's administration, there was no basic national system. After accumulating certain administrative experience, Yao began to establish a national political system, which was the first time in the history of our country to establish a relatively systematic political system, laying the foundation for the emergence of a slave country. Shun was born at the grassroots level. Because of his filial piety, his personality image is only a model of Confucian ethics. The greatest achievement is to enable Dayu to control water.
So, on the whole, the Yellow Emperor was the * * * master of the ancient Chinese nation in China, and the first of the five emperors. His achievements are also praised by later generations, and he is known as China's "ancestor of mankind". So from this perspective, the greatest contribution is the Yellow Emperor.