What men eat and dietary taboos

First place: Fat meat

Consequence: It makes men stop lifting

Reason: Red meat (beef, bacon, sausage, luncheon meat) makes you Unable to be strong. Saturated fat and cholesterol narrow blood vessels, including those that carry blood to the sexual area. The blood supply to the penis is insufficient during sex, making it difficult to climax!

Measures: If you want to eat well and lift with strength, eat some oysters! Oysters have long been known as "love products," and science has indeed proven this traditional statement. 2-3 oysters can meet the body's need for zinc throughout the day, and zinc is an important source of minerals that maintain the normal function of the male reproductive system. Zinc will make men sexually active!

Second place: High-fat milk

Consequence: Susceptibility to prostate cancer

Cause: Men who consume more than 600 mg of calcium every day through dairy products, Compared with men who consumed less than 150 milligrams of calcium per day, their risk of prostate cancer was 32% higher! Consuming large amounts of calcium every day through dairy products can suppress vitamin D levels in the blood. In addition to being an important nutrient, vitamin D is also a hormone that can prevent the proliferation of prostate cancer tumor cells, thereby preventing prostate cancer.

Measures: Pay more attention to a healthy diet, such as eating less meat, exercising regularly and eating more low-fat foods, soybeans, vegetables and fruits.

Third place: Soybeans

Consequences: Affecting male sexual characteristics and reducing sperm count

Cause: Soybeans are a food containing estrogen properties. Excessive intake of soybeans Membership increases the body's estrogen levels, thereby affecting male sexual characteristics. Researchers believe that soy contains chemicals that can "mimic" the function of the female hormone estradiol, leading to lower sperm counts.

Measures: Just pay attention to the amount of food consumed. Pay attention to "excessive". As long as you do not consume a large amount every day, it will not be excessive.

Fourth place: Fried food

Consequence: Reduced male hormone secretion

Reason: Adding hydrogen to vegetable oil can convert the oil into a solid state. The fat contained is trans fat. In terms of damage, trans fat is even more damaging than saturated fat. Trans fats are found in chips and other fried foods, crackers, and cookies. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that trans fatty acids can increase the body's "bad cholesterol" and increase the risk of heart disease. At the same time, trans fatty acids will also reduce the secretion of male hormones, have a negative impact on sperm, and interrupt the reaction of sperm in the body.

Measure: Eat less