Village dwellings in Shatang village

By the end of 2009, there were 2,055 households in Shatang, with a permanent population of more than 7,600, about 750 more than 1988, accounting for more than one-fifth of the total population of Xintang Street. Shatang people live all over the world, with more than 3,500 people in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and all over the country.

Relying on superior geographical conditions and beautiful natural environment, Shatang has attracted a large number of migrant workers since the reform and opening up, and small and medium-sized enterprises have mushroomed. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 300 small and medium-sized enterprises in this community in recent ten years, and there are countless supermarkets and shops. The whole community is rich in land resources. At present, there are more than 500 acres of fertile land in Jinjiang farmland protection area, and hundreds of acres of industrial parks are waiting to be developed. However, water resources are very scarce. Every year after the seventh month of the lunar calendar, droughts often occur, which brings great inconvenience to residents' life and production water.