Hui Shi became an official of Liang, and Zhuangzi went to visit him. Someone told Hui Shi: "Zhuangzi came to Liang and wanted to replace you as prime minister." So Hui Shi was so scared that he searched for three days and three nights in Beijing. Zhuangzi went to see him and said, "There is a bird in the south. Do you know its name? Take off from the South China Sea and fly to the North Sea, not because the plane tree is not alive, the fruit of bamboo is not eaten, and the sweet spring water is not drunk. At this time, the owl picked up a rotten mouse and the bird flew in front of it. The owl raised its head and let out a "scared" roar. Now you still want to' scare' me with your Guo Liang? "
Zhuangzi and Keiko are swimming in Haoliang.
Zhuangzi and Keiko play together on Hao's bridge. Zhuangzi said: "How leisurely the fish in the river are in the river. This is the happiness of the fish." . "Keiko said," you are not a fish, where do you know that fish is happy? " ? " Zhuangzi said, "You are not me. How do you know that I don't know that fish are happy?" ? "Keiko said," I am not a son, and I really don't know my son. "Zigu is not a fish, but I don't know the joy of fish!" Zhuangzi said, "Please follow its source. Confucius said:' Those who know fish are also', those who know me, ask me, and I know it. "
Zhuangzi and Hui Shi are playing on Haoshui Bridge. Zhuangzi said: "How leisurely the white fish swims in the river is the happiness of the fish." Hui Shi said, "If you are not a fish, how do you know the happiness of the fish?" Zhuangzi said, "If you are not me, how do you know that I don't know the happiness of fish?" Hui Shi said: "I am not you, although I don't know you;" You are not a fish, you don't know the happiness of fish, that's for sure! " Zhuangzi said, "Please start from our original topic. If you say' where do you know that fish are happy', it means that you already know that I know that fish are happy and are asking me. You will know it on a bridge with good water. "
On September 5th, 2007, the idiom allusions of Zhuangzi were given. On September 5th, 2007, the idiom allusions of Zhuangzi were given.
Mourn your own smallness in front of the vast sea-bemoan your own smallness in front of great things
Source: Zhuangzi Qiushui
Hebo went to the seaside: "Looking at the ocean and sighing".
Explanation: The original meaning refers to seeing the greatness of others and feeling small. Metaphor is to feel helpless because of lack of strength or conditions.
go back on one's word
Source: Zhuangzi's Theory of Homology.
Original: Scorpion gives Mao, saying, "Three transgressions and four times." All the snipers are angry. He said, "However, it is always hot and cold." Everyone is very happy.
Interpretation: The original meaning only changes the form but not the content. The latter means impermanence.
Transfer flame
Source: "Zhuangzi Health Master"
Original text: "it means that for the sake of poor wages, the fire spread and I don't know what to do."
Interpretation: Although the firewood is burned out, the fire still exists. Master Yu passed on his career to his disciples from generation to generation.
(of writing) presenting the main points from a large number of facts.
Source: Zhuangzi Lieyukou
Original text: "Take a stone and forge it! My husband's daughter's pearl must be in the nine abyss. Under the dragon's chin, anyone who can get the pearl will sleep. You slap a dragon, and your son is still awkward! "
Interpretation: The original intention was to seize the opportunity to succeed, and later it evolved into being good at grasping the main points.
Interfere with others beyond their authority
Source: Zhuangzi Xiaoyao Tour
Original text: "Although the blister person does not cure the blister, the corpse is willing to replace it."
Explanation: it means to go beyond one's duties, exceed one's authority or act on behalf of others.
A mantis trying to stop the cart from moving forward-overestimating itself and trying to stop the overwhelming power.
Source: The Life of Zhuangzi.
Original text: "The husband mantis doesn't know, angry that his arm is rutted, and I don't know that he is incompetent."
Interpretation: Metaphor is overreaching, which leads to failure.
The mantis catches the cicada, and the yellowbird is behind-coveting immediate interests and not knowing the danger behind.
Source: Zhuangzi Miki
Original text: "When you see a cicada, you will forget its body. When you see it, you will forget its shape. " Different magpies benefit from it and forget the truth when they see the benefits. "
Interpretation: Yu is short-sighted and only wants to calculate others. I didn't expect others to calculate him.
The art of killing dragons-superb skill, but of little value.
Source: Zhuangzi Lieyukou
Original text: "Zhu Ping learned to kill dragons in a fragmented way, and he did it in three years without using intelligence."
Interpretation: Metaphor technology is high, but it is not practical.
overwhelm people with one's power
Source: "Zhuangzi Stole Foot"
Original text: "Naturally, we will bully the weak and be violent to the masses in the future. Since Tang Wu, there has been chaos. "
Interpretation: bullying the weak with the strong.
Waving an axe like the wind-very skilled.
Source: Zhuangzi Xu Wugui
Original text: "If human chalk overflows the nose, if it flies, it will make the craftsman stone it. The craftsman's stone has become a common practice. If you listen to it, it will not hurt Wan Li's nose and stand tall. "
Interpretation: Metaphor is skillful and skillful.
The Dream of Butterfly
Source: Zhuangzi's Theory of Everything.
Original text: "In the past, Zhuang Zhoumeng was Hu Die, a vivid Hu Die. Self-metaphor and ambition! I don't know Zhou Ye. "
Interpretation: I don't know if Zhuang Zhou's dream turned into a butterfly or if the butterfly's dream turned into Zhuang Zhou. It is also true and illusory.
When a person pulls up his lapel,
Source: "Zhuangzi Qin Wang"
Original text: "ten years without making clothes will stretch you to the limit."
Interpretation: I care about one thing and lose another, and I am not good at dealing with it.
Zhuangzi is an attitude towards life and a masterpiece of wisdom. There are only a few words here, and there must be many omissions. (Horse Collection)