Advanced Analects of Confucius:, Zeng, Gong Xihua were seated in turn. Confucius said, "If you grow up in one day, you can't be born. If I were alive, I would say,' I don't know!' "If you know me, why bother? Lutz led the way and said: "If great powers take a thousand times as many countries and help them with their teachers, they will be hungry;" I have done it. Compared with three years, I can be brave and know one side. "The master said." What if you ask? On the other hand, he said, "If you are 60 or 70 years old, if you are 50 or 60 years old, you can ask for it. If you are three years, you can satisfy the people. If you are polite and happy, you can become a gentleman. ""If you are red, what can you do? " He said, "If you don't say you can do it, you are willing to learn. If you agree with the ancestral hall, you are willing to do it on a small scale. " "What can you do? Written by Gu Sexi, Keng Er and She Se, and said "the pen of the Three Heroes". Confucius said, "What's wrong with this?" Let's talk about our ambitions. "Yue:" Mo Chun's spring clothes were successful, and five or six people were crowned, and six or seven people were boys, bathed in interpretation, dancing in the wind and singing back. The master sighed: "Me and Dian, too." "The third son came out, and Zeng Xi later said," What does the third son have to say? Confucius said, "It's time to say what you want to say!" He said, "What's the reason, master?" He said, "Be polite to your country. If you won't let go, that's why. If you just want it, it is not a state. "Who is comfortable with sixty or seventy, such as fifty or sixty, not the country? Only red is not a state? Ancestral temples will be harmonious, not princes. The red one is small, how can it be big? "