Five articles by Han Feizi

Original content:

Therefore, in the kingdom of knowing the Lord, there is no simple text, and the law is the doctrine; Without the words of the former king, take the official as the teacher; Selfless sword defense, taking decapitation as courage. It is a nation in China, its speakers must abide by the law, its actions are attributed to achievements, and its brave people are dedicated to the army.

Original intention:

Therefore, in countries ruled by wise monarchs, the literary classics recorded in books are abolished and the law is the content of education; Abandon the cliche of the former king and learn from law enforcement officials; Stop privately retaining the assassin's strength and regard going into battle to kill the enemy as courage. In this way, the people of China, including lobbyists, will definitely put their words into the orbit of laws and regulations, those who do things will definitely concentrate on agricultural production with practical results, and those who show courage will definitely use all their courage to join the army and kill the enemy.