Ancient books found in the Dead Sea area

On March 16, Israeli archaeologists announced to the outside world that they had found dozens of new fragments of Hebrew manuscripts of the Old Testament "The Dead Sea Scrolls" in an archaeological cave in the desert south of Jerusalem. Archaeologists believe that these fragments were hidden in this cave by Jews from BC 132 to BC 136. If the archaeologist's inference is correct, there are already 138 fragments.

The cave where the wreckage was found is located in a remote canyon in the Judea desert. Some rare ancient coins were unearthed in this cave, and a mummy skeleton of 6000 years ago was also found. The oldest is a basket with a history of more than ten thousand years. These discoveries have played a great role for archaeologists to study the habits and conditions of ancient human life.

According to Israeli media reports, archaeologists used climbing equipment to enter the Judea desert? Horror cave? Later, about 80 pieces of parchment with Hebrew Bible written in Greek were found in it? Twelve prophets? Are you online? Zechariah? And then what? The red book? After comparing several Greek and Hebrew versions, the researchers found that these ancient scrolls written in Greek are different from the original Hebrew version, and these differences also help archaeologists understand how the Bible text evolved into the traditional Hebrew form in history.

So-called? Dead Sea Scrolls? Refers to 1947 ancient scriptures found in caves in Kumran area near the Dead Sea, copied in Hebrew? Old Testament? Except? The Bible-The Book of Esther? Besides all the contents are copied on parchment, some Latin characters and ancient Greek characters are also copied. These scrolls are named because they were unearthed near the Dead Sea. Dead Sea Scrolls? .