The picture resolution is 300dpi, and the scan resolution used by the magazine/photo album printing factory is 300dpi, because the magazine is printed with 133 or 150lpi. The scan resolution of high-quality books is 350-400dpi, because most beautifully printed books are printed with 175 to 200lpi. Ordinary newspapers are about 85lpi, color magazines 150lpi, and art albums and exquisite art books may use 300lpi. When the scanned image is used for printing, the resolution should be determined according to the accuracy requirements of printing. When the user is outputting the original size, the simple method to set the resolution is basically to use the line number (lpi)*2 of the printed output. Therefore, the best scan resolution for printing newspapers, magazines and art albums should be 170dpi, 300dpi and 600dpi respectively.
For more information about the resolution of printed pictures, please visit:/ask/7cbbc1615839306.html? Zd view more content