No soldier is not enough to think deeply, no salary is not enough to cry bitterly, and those who look to the world alone, seek profit first, fear righteousness later, and be loyal and angry, cannot be eager to get it; Or just get it, but humble, often depressed, frustrated, leaving, dying. Those who are gluttonous and afraid of eating will be embarrassed, and those who are rich and famous will not die, which can be regarded as those who are inferior to themselves.
Without soldiers, it is not enough to worry, and without pay, it is not enough to cry. It is not easy to get a person who sees the world today, and to be honest and loyal to be honest and frank. Maybe even if you get it, you are not as good as others and have a low status. You are often suppressed so that you can't display your talents. You were repeatedly frustrated, abandoned and died of depression. And those who are greedy by nature and retreat when things are difficult, can hold their heads high and try their best to climb up, so as to gain wealth, fame and fortune, health and longevity, which is really embarrassing!
There is a saying that "whether life is smooth or not depends on the vision of knowing people." If you want to be smooth sailing in society, you must be careful with others.
There is also a saying that "one person is good at shooting, and a hundred people pick up decisions." And as the saying goes: "Maxima is common, Bole is not common!" It can be seen that Bole, who can "know people", is much more important than a swift horse.
In history, Zeng Guofan's skill of knowing people was highly respected. Zeng Guofan became a "man of rejuvenation", in addition to his own ability, there is also his ability to know people.
He attaches great importance to virtue. When selecting talents, he often "chooses talents simply" because he thinks that "the way of observing people is simple and honest". He hates those who are "full of knowledge and please others with big talk".
He also summed up the criteria for selecting candidates and divided people into two categories: "more bureaucratic" and "more rural". He believes that most "bureaucrats" like to talk about their qualifications and pretend, but they can't do their best when they encounter difficulties, and they can't do it with heart, mouth and eyes; And those who are homesick are mostly good at showing off their talents and making good things. For these two kinds of people with shortcomings, Zeng Guofan is more willing to choose those who are "more rustic" because he thinks: "If the bureaucratic spirit increases by one point, the blood will decrease by one point."
Zeng Guofan also attached great importance to the mutual attraction of talents. He believes that talents are attracted to each other, and what kind of people will attract what kind of people. This is the so-called "birds of a feather flock together."
Zeng Guofan once wrote a special book, namely "An Ice Guide". From that book, we can see that Zeng Guofan even studied linen physiognomy in order to know people accurately, such as his "evil is looking at the nose and eyes, true and false look at the lips." Fame depends on appearance, and career depends on spirit. The poor look at the nails, and the long life at the heels. If you want to see the order, it's all in the language. "
To see whether a person is evil is to look at his nose and eyes; The truth of a person's speech depends on his lips; Whether a person will be famous depends on his demeanor; Whether a person has a career depends on his spirit; Whether a person has a future depends on his nails; Man's life depends on his heel; Whether a person speaks coherently depends on his language. Although this physiognomy is not always correct, it can also be seen that Zeng Guofan will look at many details when identifying a person, and see clues from the details.
Although all his acquaintances are superstitious, we can't believe them all, but from another side, we can see that he will be very observant when he "knows people" and never misses a detail.