The first emperor gave birth to Xiaoyi, Emperor Zhao gave birth to Xuanzong, Zhu Jishi gave birth to Wang Yan, Gui and Huo Wang, and Liu gave birth to He Wang.
Yan, whose real name is Cheng Qing, is Tian Jiaren, and later named Chonghua. Yan Yi is generous in appearance, sharp and clear in debate, and generous and studious in nature. Nathan, a famous walker who was chosen as a scholar by Sejong, studied under Jiao Jia who was familiar with fine print and Chinese characters. The dragon, however, despises wealth and charity, has no knowledge of the Lord, is good at chanting scriptures, and doesn't like being heard. As for the art of riding and shooting paintings, it is exquisite. In the eighteenth year of Dading, the Taoist Lord was sealed. Twenty-six years, Jia Chongjin. Zhang Zong acceded to the throne, moved to the same department as Fu Yi, and sealed Wang Yun. In the first year of Ming Chang, Shiva was granted hereditary insurance by Hohloch and stayed in the capital. Five years, you. Go to the funeral home. Visit Zhuang Jing, and then transfer to Zhuang Hui.
Ying, whose real name is Huan Du, is Yun's half-brother. He is heavy-eyed, taciturn, good at calligraphy, meticulous in poetry and prose, good at riding and shooting, calligraphy and writing. Big twenty-two years, thanks to lord protector. Twenty-six years, Jia Chongjin. Zhang Zong acceded to the throne, moved to the third division of government, and appointed Ying Wang. Ming Chang three years. Everything needed for the funeral was given by the government, and Xu Zhiguo, assistant minister of the Ministry of Industry, was ordered to attend the funeral. Compared with burial, the emperor ranked third, and he was crying. For example, Wen Jing. Later, the emperor called the assistant minister and said, "Wang Zhongxiao is the kindest brother, so I tasted the order." Although Wang Wen is young, he is also excellent. It is a good thing to mourn the death of ten years. "
Huo Wang was born in Iraq with his real name. His mother Tian died young, and Wen raised him as his own son. Twenty-five years after the big decision, I sealed lord protector's mansion and was promoted. Twenty-six years, Zhang Zong, a famous monarch, acceded to the throne, sealing the interpretation of the king. In the first year of Ming Chang, the decree said, "The four palaces of Phoenix, Yun, Britain and Yi each gave 700 slaves." In four years, the imperial edict was that the first king Lu was the king of Zhao and the slave Yi was the queen of Zhao. In the first year of Cheng 'an, he was the minister of war and renamed Cai. Four years, except for secretarial supervision. Taihe five years, given this name. Eight years, Huo Feng. I have been loyal for two years.
Cong Xian, whose real name is Wulibu, was born by Liu, and later named Yuling Maoyi. In the twenty-sixth year of Dading, I was given the surname Qi. Zhang Zong acceded to the throne, and opened three government affairs departments, named Shouwang. In the first year of Cheng 'an, he was granted Britain by the state. Four years, renamed ying. Taihe five years, and given this name. Six years, awarded the secretary and supervisor. Eight years, you.
From the constitutional style, he is generous, good at riding and shooting, and treats others with courtesy. The leavers are full. The emperor is particularly fond of weight. The first time I heard that he was ill, I asked him immediately and gave him 5 million. Back to the palace, the imperial edict was given to the current staff of the imperial court, which aggravated his illness and damage. At night, it was still played with drums, which was more important than five. And sadness, crying sadness, for those who have dropped out of school. According to the imperial edict, Wan Yongsheng, a great family member, said, "My uncle should plan Wang Ying's family affairs. I heard that the second Ji Fang is pregnant and will pay if she is born. " With the emblem, all the people were moved to protect their funeral, and all the clothes in Neiku were collected, and the rest were given by the government. Meet Dunyi.
Wen, whose real name is Mou Lianghu, mother Wang, was later renamed Yuling. You are young and smart, gentle and eager to learn. In the twenty-ninth year of Dading, he acceded to the throne and gave him the title of King Wen. Ming Chang three years, unitary, November. Obituary, in order to resign from the DPRK, personally drink and cry. Pay tribute to min.
Zhang Zongqin gave birth to Redjade, his wife Lin gave birth to Hongjing, and Zhu Ji gave birth to Ying and Shou. Li Sheng made peace.
Yu Hong was born in the 26th year of Dading. At that time, it was more than a year since Xianzong ascended the throne. Sejong was deeply impressed by this and was very happy to hear that the great-grandson of the emperor was born. In March, a banquet was held in Qinghe Hall, giving great-grandson Jinding, Jin Xianghe and 20 Duan Cai, rhinoceros, stork Yushanzi and rabbit bowed their heads and two famous horses. Zhang Zongjin's jade double camel paperweight, jade pipa plate, jade phoenix hook, bone-seeing rhinoceros, sabre, clothes beating. Sejong Royal Wine Song Huan, Party B night. In October of the twenty-eighth year, Bing Yin and You. In the third year of Ming Chang, Jiang Wang was named after him.
Hong Jing, whose real name is A Fu Lan, was born in Mingchang for three years. Born to be a police drama, the world loves it. Four years, you. In the fourth year of Cheng 'an, he chased the King of Scenery, gave him a name, and added the third division of Fuyi.
Hong, whose real name is Lu Bu, was born in Mingchang for three years. After four years of peace, he pursued the title of Rong Wang, gave him a name and added three government departments.
Hongyan, whose real name is Sakya, was born in Mingchang for four years. In the fourth year of Cheng 'an, he pursued the title of King of England, gave him a name, and added three divisions of the government.
Honghui, whose real name is incorrect, was born in May of the second year of Cheng 'an and was named Shouwang. At noon in June, when he was seriously ill, Dr. Yang Neng and General Xuanwu gave him five million yuan. Shen Jia, who recovered from his illness, thanked him by printing 10,000 volumes of Infinite Life Sutra, and Yanqing Palace became a seven-day palace. Killing is still prohibited in the name of punishment. In October, Ding Hai and Qi prepare for the ceremony and burial.
Lint was born in August of the second year of Taihe. There is no heir for a long time. I am very happy to pray in the suburbs, temples, Yanqing Palace and Bozhou Taiqing Palace. The title will be awarded in another month, and those who are dissatisfied with the third-class title are the oldest in the reign of Niansezong. At first he was named Zhou Wang, and later he was named Zhou Wang. In December, I was born 100 days ago, and I gave 3,000 scriptures, established a metaphysical view, and held a banquet in the Qinghe Temple. Guan Bai used the etiquette of Tianshou Festival, said congratulations when drinking, and gave more than three gifts. Taihe three years, you.
Wang Wei's six sons lived for twenty-six years and were named Meng An and Yue An respectively, and Chen was named Yue An. In the seventh year of Taihe, after the dance of Zheng, an imperial edict was issued, saying, "I chased Emperor Zheng, but I chased Fei Yi and vilen by mistake. I have been pregnant for many years. If I can't do this, I am writing an imperial edict to restore the prince and prepare for the funeral. This is a classic style. I order you to be the queen of Zheng and keep her sacrifice. " In the first year of Daan, six people were made kings, from Ke 'an to Ren, Gong and Yu Fu. I am 30 years old, but I am a left-wing prime minister. In August of two years, Li Congke was appointed as the Crown Prince. At the end of the day, Hu killed Wang Wei and ruined his brother halfway. Zhenyou moved to Zhengzhou for two years. I moved to Nanjing in four years. In the first year of Tianxing, with submission as the king of Liang, Bianjing was broken and died.
Praise: In his later years, Zhang Zong didn't succeed, so he chose King Shao Weiguo. Shao Wei never lived long. All the philosophers were imprisoned for more than 20 years, and all the philosophers of the king were imprisoned for more than 40 years. The eldest daughter and the widowed man are not allowed to get married. The ban was relaxed at the beginning of the day, and it was not known until Kim died.
Zhuang Xian is a prince, whose name is Shou Zhong, and Xuanzong is the eldest son. His mother won't go into details. It is said in the Biography of Kings. When Hu abandoned Wang Wei, he did not go to the East Palace to welcome Shou Zhong. In September of the first year of Zhenyou, Shen Jia was appointed as the Crown Prince, saying, "I bow, serve the orders of the scenery, and remember the legacy of my ancestors, so that I can sleep luxuriously. I will inherit the spirit of the Nine Halls and look at it from many aspects." The crown prince is honest and gentle, and he lives long. Second, it is appropriate to promote and store heirs. A gift is enough. He is the Crown Prince. "October has passed, so I can make this country a general. The young prince Aruhan is the prince of Shao Shi. Geng Shen ordered: "You should know when it is difficult and consider saving money." He also said, "Times are hard, and everything should be derogated. I have released more than a hundred imperial envoys, and the useless ones in the East Palace should also be released. If you are a scholar, you will know this. "In April of two years, Xuanzong moved to Beijing. In July, called to Bianzhou. In the first month of the third year. Attended the funeral home four times. In April, he was buried five miles outside the new moon gate. Give Zhuang a gift. In May, he made his son Keng the great-grandson of the emperor at the age of two. In December of the first month of four years, I gave gifts to my grandson.
Ling Xuan, Zhuang Xian's mother and brother, died young and was not knighted. Or the history of life.
Wang Jing Shouchun, whose real name is Pan Du, is the second son of Xuanzong. Mom said the real princess Ponzi. In the first year of Zhenyou, he was named King Pu. For two years, he was the commander of the guards, a pro-army and a powerful marshal. The imperial edict said to the viceroy, "King Pu is young and doesn't know anything about business. Your Majesty and others should not take me as a warning. Whenever you see an ordinary school, it's okay for you to meet him. " I have been an envoy of the Tang Dynasty for three years. Four years, worship Pingzhang politics. In the first year of Xingding, Santun Meng 'an granted hereditary Dongping Mansion Road. Three years, with the difference between knowing and doing, Liang Shi.
Sui and Zhang, as the deputy envoys of mistaken book transshipment, declared that they would play begging punishment. The master said: "mistakes have been made in history, so you should deal with them yourself." Why do you want to shut me down? " In March of that year, he became king of England. At that time, the censor Cheng Zhen said that this was illegal, and Xuanzong was responsible. Several people were particularly illegal. In September of four years, Shouchun wanted to commit the crime of Prime Minister Gao Qi, and secretly summoned Pu Lula, Pu Cha and Yuan Wailang to seek it, and it was a secret order that it should not be leaked, while Shi Lula and Mo told the servants that they had lost their slaves and slaves had lost Gao Qi. And Gao Qi Zhu Fu and Shouchun disintegrated three people leaked things. If the slave lost, he would die, be removed from his post, be stabbed by Shilu, and stop with 70 sticks of Land Rover.
In March of the second year of Yuanguang, Ren Zi said with a letter of purity: "At the beginning, I took you as my companion to avoid being laughed at. You're just drinking and having fun. Your business is hopeless. Why? I'm often told that I did it. Although I have nothing to do with introspection, I dare not let it go easily. " Then he said, "I blame you, but don't worry too much, because you drink too much and do nothing, so you will seize power." Today, all ministers are old ministers, and everything is related to Shang Lue, so this is enough to discuss. "
In December of that year, Gengyin, Xuanzong, suffered from throat obstruction and was dying, so he went to serve in the evening and kept pure profit. Aizong has arrived, Donghua Gate is closed, and Wen Shouchun is in the palace. He sent privy councillors and generals in the East Palace to move more than 30,000 troops to the East Gate. The deployment has been set and the door is closed. They were all examined. A surnamed Xu lived with his apprentice in the theater. They got the order and got the key to open the door. When the funeral case entered, the prime minister sent someone to stop the prime minister from listening to the palace, so as to keep four people and keep the middle game. It was evening, and Xuanzong collapsed. Tomorrow, Aizong ascended the throne.
In the first month of the first year of Zheng Da, he entered King Jing, went to the palace, and sentenced Princess Ponzi to be the Princess Jing. In March this year, he was accused of conspiracy and sent to prison for questioning. Empress Dowager Cisheng Palace has something to say to the emperor, so I don't want to. The language is in The Story of the Empress. Shouchun's third son, you're right, blocked lord protector. In March of the first year of Tianxing, he entered India and became a military adviser. The next day, I was made acting king. The second time, Dede, Feng Gong Wang.
On the first day of the first lunar month, Shouchun House produced a meat cheese, which was five inches high, red, fresh and lovely, and then the branches and leaves shed, and the ground turned into blood, stinking. Those who shovel back their lives will come back. At night, the fox horn rings between the room and the couch. If you catch it with a candle, you will lose your position. As a matter of time, the truth can be guaranteed and the mourning case will be transferred to Germany. In the first month of next year, Cui Li fell into chaos. In April, Shouchun and all the royal family died in Qingcheng.
Praise: The Book of Songs says: "It is difficult for heaven to seize the world, and it is not easy to defend the monarch. The sky is in a good position, so it doesn't carry all directions. " Shinya! Shouzhong became a prince, and soon died, and his son died standing upright, mourning for the loss of his heir. Isn't it heaven? Between bureaus, the country is shrinking, and this branch is exhausted. The sorrowful are still jealous of the same flesh and blood. If they are not wise men, Jing He will not be spared. How can they "inherit their father's business"?
In Du Jisi, his real name is Qianjia slave. Ming Chang six years, the main province, signed the Privy Council. In the third year of Cheng 'an, in addition to Xingping Army, he recruited envoys from Northwest Road. At the beginning, Dading established a garrison in the northwest, stretching for hundreds of miles from the west to Hu Lie in the east. Zhongbao is forced by hard labor, although there are city walls, there is no auxiliary dike for female walls. Sizhong increased his training, hired 750 thousand employees, stopped using garrison soldiers, and failed to serve the people. On the other hand, Jia Jia gave a certificate of commendation, saying: "The dimension of going straight is the key to the traffic jam, so we should be prepared for defense to facilitate the completion of the city wall, which is impregnable, but the camp is not solid." The Qing governor served here, using only garrison soldiers. People don't know how to work, but they don't drown for a long time. When they finished their work, they were still strong. Lyle works hard and paints with his heart. He has the strength of Jia Naili and is the deputy. "Give five hundred and twenty pieces of silver and ten heavy coins. In order to sign the Privy Council, he was transferred to the official department to study politics.
In the fifth year of Taihe, the Song-Yu Alliance came to an end, and the government and servants were scattered, and Henan was declared. It is said that Song people are weak and Han Tuozhou is pragmatic. Please send a special envoy for questioning. Call ministers to discuss. Prime Minister Zuo said, "The country that has been defeated for a long time in the Song Dynasty dares not move." Si Zhong said, "Although Song lived in the middle of the river, he never forgot China, but he was unable to do so." The consequences are like considering loyalty. In April of six years, the minister was summoned to discuss the matter of cutting the Song Dynasty, but he still said that he had no worries. Or "rats steal dogs and thieves don't have to fight." No.4 Middle School insisted on the previous discussion and said, "If you don't do it early, you will make mistakes." In the depths of the world.
In the first month of seven years, Marshal Zuo Jian's army Ge Shilie was in charge of encirclement and suppression of Chuzhou for a long time, so he asked the minister to control his own army in order to attack it. No.4 middle school, please. Confucius said, "Attacking a small country with governance cannot be resisted." It is to use the story of the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty to comfort the armies, to be loyal to Huainan, and to reward those who have made meritorious deeds in vain. The civil servants stayed in the minister's prison and each played a post. Tomorrow, hundreds of officials will gather in Ren Guang Hall to ask for suitable candidates. Then the Song people came to make peace and agreed to sleep.
After a while, I went to worship Shang Shu You Cheng. At the beginning of Daan, I worshipped Pingzhang's politics. In three years, when Cheng Yu, who was in charge of politics, was stationed at the border, he finished building Wusha Castle, and No.4 Middle School was not equipped. Before Dayuan, the soldiers arrived and took Wuyue Camp. However, No.4 Middle School couldn't keep it and quit, and No.4 Middle School was dismissed. King Shao Wei was ordered to participate in the political affairs of the province, but he was defeated by the Uighur Baoyun.
Cheng Yu, whose real name is Hu Sha, has read many books by Sun and Wu, and only stays in the imperial clan. In addition to the left police patrol deputy ambassador of Zhongdu, it covers household registration, which the people call Ping. Moved to the palace to advise Shi, changed to the right police patrol ambassador, Zhang Dejun Festival deputy envoy, foreign minister of punishments, transferred to the headquarters as a doctor. Zhou, Huizhou secretariat, moved to the magistrate, changed to the northeast road envoys. In order to avoid getting sick, I began to serve as the deputy ambassador of Southwest China.
In the sixth year of Taihe, he cut the Song Dynasty, moved to Shaanxi Daotong Army, Russia changed our far army, Shaanxi army and horse, and became a discipline with Qin Zhou as a defense. During the Song and Wu Dynasties, 50,000 soldiers were attacked by valleys such as Baocha and Gusu, and Cheng and Lin were driven away by more than 1,000 cavalry, chasing 40 miles. All six wars were defeated, and Song Bing cut more than 4,000. Zhao Chengyu said: "In the past, you were both a father and a father. You are young and competent, so I order you to go out with Wan Yan. Before, you said that 30,000 soldiers were enough. Now, you can combine your army with the stone to wipe out Wen Zhong, Tiger Gao Qi and Qingyi. The total number can be 60,000, which is enough for you. Wen Zhong and Gao Qi are dangerous, but it's easy for you to be a soldier. It's only 400 miles from Qin Zhou to Xianrenguan, so I plan from a long-term perspective as a courtesy. " Zhao said, "You are in the north. You are called Gan Yong, and you are guilty of dereliction of duty. I know that I was at war with the Song people, so I was pardoned, and I was in charge of the agreement system. If I can help Cheng Yu make meritorious service, I will definitely get an official reward, so I won't hesitate. I'm sorry to hear that you are in trouble, but I won't forgive you if you commit another crime. " Song Wuxi ordered,, to lead troops in, and Cheng Yu, Lin and Hezhou ordered Park Cha to lead troops out. Song infantry protects Xishan, and cavalry takes it. Cheng Yu sent Tang Kuo to attack the Song infantry at the speed of catching the sea, and Meng Kuo, the military department, took the lead and the Song infantry was defeated. Catch up with suburban cities and cut more than 2000 levels. Meng An chased Tiannu after Song cavalry, killing more than a thousand people and beheading them. Fashion just survived. Cheng Yu invaded and became a state.
In eight years, he stopped fighting, moved to Henan East Road, and took command of the army. He knows about returning to Germany and Russia to change to Huang Lin. Give a gold belt, ten heavy coins and one hundred and fifty-two silver. At the beginning of da' an, the empire called it. In the past three years, I have learned about politics by visiting the Senate, and I have been in politics alone with Pingzhang. The battle of Wushabao was unprepared and defeated. The court sat alone and thought about loyalty, saying that Cheng Yu was in charge of military affairs.
In August, Dawan soldiers went to Yehuling. Cheng Yu was so angry that he dared not refuse to fight. He retreated to Xuanping. Local tyrants in the county should take local soldiers as pioneers and rely on provincial soldiers. Cheng Yu was too timid to use them, and only asked to see Xuande Infernal Affairs. Local tyrants scoffed: "Our generation knows the twists and turns of streams. I don't know how to use my geographical position to fight, but I have lost my ears. " That night, Cheng Yu led his troops south, and Dayuan attacked them with his heels. Tomorrow, the rivers will meet, and Cheng Yu's soldiers will be defeated. Cheng Yu just got away and walked into Liu Bei. Dayuan Youbing entered Juyongguan and imposed martial law. Those who know it call it the death of gold and are determined to serve. Shao Weiguo is still bitter about his crimes, but he was removed from the list. In the first year of Chongqing, he was appointed ambassador to Shaanxi. In the first year of Zhining, the marshal moved to the right to supervise the army, and was also the general manager of the military forces in Xianping Prefecture, leaving Qidan to fight and losing. Change the same sentence, Damu Fu Qin, Ambassador of Liaodong Fu Xuan. Zhen Youchu, change my navy, pawn.
Zan: Cao Gui has a saying: "No matter how hard you try, you will fail, and you will be exhausted." The husband and soldiers are mainly angry, and they will encounter the battle of joint insurance. Ji Sizhong and Cheng Yu's frustration alone cannot be revived. Kim's death is a sign.
Three groups of servants, whose real names are Linxi, went to Beijing first, leaving Wu Zhuang Gongzhong, the son of Guo Yi, the prime minister and marshal. Come to the world less, and choose to serve the royal ministers. In the fifteenth year of Dading, he served as an assistant envoy of the Bureau of Artifacts in princess royal, and was granted hereditary Meng 'an by Huangfu Liuhe Sha. Li Jin's assistant envoy, Shang Yi's envoy, and Gong Yu's immediate deputy are all commanding envoys and general left-back in front of the temple. Sejong, who was dismissed from office, said, "Since you announced the proposal of the Queen's marriage, you should honor the Lord and put him in a shelter, saying that you should encourage yourself with loyalty and filial piety. The Japanese are having a secret discussion with outsiders. I can't measure your stomach, so I'm going back to the field. " Find Longzhou secretariat, change to Lizhou, and serve as assistant minister of the Ministry of War, Dali Qing, and minister of punishments.
Zhang Zong acceded to the throne, our time for Thai soldiers, change about lintao mansion. I heard that relying on political achievements. He was promoted to Henan Road to lead the army. Shaanxi's procuratorate gave a slap in the face and said, "Speak frankly, be clear, and there is no injustice in prison. Family members are forbidden and people don't know their faces. The old bandits in Jishi and Zhou Tao are at large, and business travel can pass. " So he entered the official rank and wrote a letter of commendation.
In the fourth year of Ming Chang, Zheng rebelled, realized things, slapped and tasted the kings of private algae. He only said that he would always be good and quiet, but he would avoid death and be removed from the list. After a few days, after the fifth grade, it was time for us to treat the righteous army together. Moved to Xibei North Road to recruit the deputy governor, entered the official rank of seven products, gave a golden horse bowl, two hundred and twenty silver, and ten heavy colors. After the meritorious military service, he rose to the southwest road to recruit envoys, and the German army arrived at our time, giving him 520 gold and a heavy prize of 10. Back to the imperial border, 700 miles to the fortress, and then back to Red Lake. You wrote a letter praising Yu, moved to a new post, made his son Xing Guofei, and made him slap his thanks and return to the city when he was finished.
After meeting with South Korean big princess, he came and went, and the imperial edict said: "Things in the north must be taken care of." This is for the second war horse and will be returned today. Barriers are built along the embankment, crossing the ravine, stretching for 900 miles, facing the camp gate, and the weather is corresponding. People can graze in the fields and Suining in the north. I personally wrote a letter of praise to the Oracle, and I will make full use of it to let me know that the Zhong Xing government is going to replace Shi Liezi Ren, and I will try my best to give Zi Ren a general plan. Since I entered the DPRK, I have learned about politics by worshipping the Senate, and I have obtained hereditary fierce protection in the capital Luhutu. Go to worship Shang Shu You Cheng. If we understand the border affairs, we must worship Pingzhang's politics and seal the country.
In the fifth year of Taihe, the Song people formed an alliance with Chongqing, taking slapping as an envoy to enlighten the Henan army and people. The imperial edict said, "Since I took the throne, I haven't served as prime minister as long as Qing Dynasty. If it weren't for the unity of monarch and minister, this would not have happened. First, the prime minister also tasted the south side of the chief secretary, who served in the first dynasty. Now, I'm sorry I didn't do anything Unless I am overjoyed, I must study both inside and outside. The Song people gave in and there was no way to discuss it. If they don't change, they can cross the Huaihe River and sweep the left side of the river to take your place. " That is, the famous horse, the jade belt, the imperial palace, and the royal medicine. When we arrived at the frontier branch and searched for training, the sound of the army was greatly improved. We will celebrate Tianshou Festival, and specially invite our son An Zhen to give a banquet. And ordered to hold a white jade cup and slap it. The deer's tail tongue was given by the hunting ground last autumn. When the Song people confessed, they stopped telling the messenger and told him to come back.
In the spring of six years, the Song people invaded in many ways, taking Sizhou, taking Lingbi and surrounding Shouchun. Life slap for left deputy marshal to please. When he arrived at the army, he called the generals and told the court to suspend the attack and send soldiers to defend the enemy. After the recapture of Linhuai and Qiemo counties, the siege of R&F and Shouchun was also lifted, and the enemy repeatedly lost and fled. On the other hand, I sent someone to ask about the conquest near the Historical Bureau. I still gave him a jade sword, a Yu Lian lamp, one hundred and twenty gold wares and ten heavy colors. Search for letters and praise, give jade saddle to rein in the horse, jade tools to wear swords, and imperial court to show color and royal medicine to show its merits.
Since the defeat of the Song people, they wanted to discuss it, but they called Bai to Que, stopped being teachers, and held a banquet in Qinghetang. They themselves said, "I expanded my alliance with Zhao, invaded our territory, and ordered Qing to take measures to win over." In less than a month, all localities won a great victory. It was the power of the Qing Dynasty that inspired the prestige of our country and defeated the thief front. I can't forget it. " On that day, I liked Tin very much, and specially took my second son Ning Shou to serve the royal family. Give it in secret and return the plan to the army.
In October, the general army went south and divided into nine roads. In order to save 30 thousand soldiers, the Song People's Brigade refused to go to Shuinan. I secretly sent someone to measure the Huaihe River, but Batian Beach can be involved, that is, I sent Aotun to raise troops to Cai, claiming to cross the river. Song Shuai He Ruli and Yao Gongzuo learned that Rui Shi was preparing to send flowers. Yan Naipai's right-wing commander-in-chief Hong Yan Sai Bu and pioneer commander-in-chief Nalan Banglie crossed Badie and stayed in the south bank. The army was directly pressed on its array. When the enemy arrived without fear, they all collapsed and destroyed themselves. People who died in the water cannot be defeated. When you enter Yingkou, you will attack Hefei and take Chuzhou, and you will get the facts of your army. The envoy sent a report saying, "The vanguard has captured the enemy's mouth, and the partial division has laid an Anfeng and beheaded tens of thousands each. The west is close and handsome, Zaoyang and Guanghua are for me, and Fancheng and Dengcheng are also scattered. I also heard that Suizhou he cheng surrendered, the Shandong people surrounded Chuzhou for a long time, and Longyou was out of bounds. Qing troops attack Hefei, Zhao Wen. People expected that he had broken his heart and lost his God. According to the present situation, it's time to cross the Yangtze River. Huainan is for me, and the international river is the boundary, which is natural. If Zhao is an official and pays tribute at the age of 20, he is bound to become a thief and be plundered by Lu. As promised, he can also stop fighting. Qingyi is widely known for crossing the river, which makes him worried about death. Judging from his request, he can only drag out an ignoble existence, how dare he worry about it? At this time, the Qing army managed Jiangbei and Laolai Anji, except for its abuse of government, caring for the people with good officials and guarding the key points with good soldiers. Although it is not Zhao's neck expansion, the three things I painted before have achieved great success. When I first entered the meeting, I already tasted the agreement. Those who ask me repeatedly want to succeed now. The opportunity is rare and clear. "