What does footnote mean?

Footnotes are Chinese characters, and the Chinese phonetic alphabet is Ji m: o zhù, which can be attached to the bottom of the article to explain something and printed at the bottom of the page. Footnotes and endnotes are supplementary explanations to the text. Footnotes are generally located at the bottom of the page and can be used as comments on the contents of the document; Endnotes are generally located at the end of the document, listing the source of quotations, etc.

Footnotes and endnotes are composed of two related parts, including annotation reference marks and their corresponding annotation texts. Users can use Word to automatically number labels or create custom labels. When you add, delete, or move automatically numbered annotations, Word renumbers the annotation reference marks.

Footnote definition is one of the most basic expressions in academic papers.

That is to say, put the definition text in the footnote, and explain and introduce the shape, nature, characteristics, causes and functions of things clearly in as concise a language as possible.

Explain that there are the following types in specific applications:

A definition is to explain a thing in the following way. Defining something is to reveal the sum of the essential attributes of this concept. When using definitions, factors such as the fluency of the article itself should be taken into account. Definition text can be expressed in the following ways:

Direct definition, that is, the defined word follows the defined word immediately.

Natural definition means inserting the defined word in the description of the article, and the defined word is in front of the defined word.

Footnote definition, that is, putting the definition text in the footnote, can not only avoid the verbosity of the text, but also make it visible to the general reader.

Second, for example. Although some technical terms are explained in the definition description, sometimes some readers still feel that they are too general and abstract and need to be explained more specifically with examples.

Third, classification description. In the academic field, we often have to face complex and diverse phenomena and a lot of materials. In order to make articles clear, we often need to use the methods of classification and explanation. The so-called classified description is the method of dividing ~ into several small categories and then classifying each small category to explain it. Master the standards and principles of classification when using.

4. Illustration is a method to explain things and phenomena intuitively with the help of nonverbal expression systems such as diagrams. This special way of explanation is widely used in academic papers, especially scientific papers. Of course, the chart description is also inseparable from the necessary text description, and the two should be organically combined. Charts should be concise and easy to understand, and the language should be concise.