In the ninth year of Xining, there was a whirlwind blowing from the southeast in Wucheng County of Zhou En. From a distance, it looks like a horn inserted into the sky. All the big trees were uprooted by the wind, and soon the whirlwind swept them into the sky. Soon the whirlwind gradually approached, and after passing through the county seat, the official houses and houses were almost swept away and all of them were involved in the clouds. The county magistrate's children and handmaiden were swept to the ground, killing and injuring several people. Countless people have been killed or injured. The county seat was completely in ruins, so it moved to its present place.
Interpretation of Xining words: Song Renzong year number
Wucheng County: In today's Shandong Province.
Victory: exhausted; all
Xu Qiu: wasteland
Si: All of them.
After a while: after a while.
After: Soon.
Approximately: roughly
All: all
Classical Chinese knowledge wins. "Victory" is a polysemous word, which means not only victory, victory and beautiful scenery, but also fatigue and patience. The "victory" in the above "countless" is interpreted as "all" and "all", which means that all casualties and missing persons cannot be counted. There is also the idiom "endless sorrow", which means endless sorrow; "Overjoyed" means ecstatic.