The counselor did not agree with such negative confrontation and suggested: "I know that the king can do anything;" If you don't know about heaven, you can't do anything. The king regards the people as the sky, and the people regard food as the sky. Fu Aocang, the world has been lost for a long time, and it is said that there are many millet hidden under it. The Chu people pulled Xingyang, instead of sticking to Aocang, and led it to the east, so that the soldiers could be divided into different elevations, which is why they are naturally from China. Chu Yi took it and Han replaced it; I think this is too much. Moreover, the two men have been at loggerheads for a long time, Chu and Han were at loggerheads, the people were in dire straits, things changed, the peasants let off the thunder, the workers and women got off the plane, and the people in the world were uncertain. I am willing to rush back to the army and take Xingyang. According to the millet in Aocang, the danger of being blocked at a high place, Du Taihang's way, above the fox, and keeping a white horse to show the practical shape of the princes, then the world knows where to go. "Liu Bang adopted this proposal, seized the elevation in one fell swoop, occupied Aocang, and accumulated enough food, thus fundamentally changing the situation of the dispute between Chu and Han, which eventually led to Xiang Yu's defeat, being besieged on all sides, farewell my concubine, and committing suicide in Wujiang River.