Government Work Report Reference Materials

If the "Government Work Report" is quoted in the paper, it needs to be marked.

The reference format is as follows:

[Serial Number] Main Responsible Person. Document Title [R]. Reporting Place: Organizer of the Report Meeting, Year:

For example:

[9] Feng Xiqiao. LBB analysis of nuclear reactor pressure vessels[R]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Nuclear Energy Technology Design Institute, 1997:

Extended information

Reference type and document type, according to the provisions of GB3469-83 "Document Type and Document Carrier Code", are identified by single letters:

Monograph M; Newspaper N; Journal J; Patent document P; Compilation G; Ancient books O; Technical standards S;

Dissertation D; Scientific and technological report R; Reference tool K; Search tool W; File B; Audio tape A;

Chart Q; Record L; Product Sample