Mencius·Prince Hui of Liang·Original text The people of Qi attacked Yan and took it. The princes will plan to save Yan. King Xuan said: "How can we treat those princes who are plotting against me?" Qi attacked Yan and conquered it. Other princely states conspired to save Yan. King Xuan said: "Many princes are planning to attack me. How to deal with them?" Mencius said to him: "I have heard that people who govern the world at seventy miles are like Tang. I have never heard of people who are afraid of others at a thousand miles. "Book" said : "Tang's campaign started from Ge." The whole world believed in it, and marched to the east, and the barbarians in the west complained, and marched in the south, and Di complained, "I am the next one?" Ye. The people who return to the market will not stop, and the farmers will not change. They will punish their kings and hang their people. If the rain falls, the people will be happy. When the king goes to conquer him, the people think that they will save themselves from the fire and water. They eat pots of milk to welcome the king's master. If they kill their father and brother, they will harm their children, destroy their ancestral temple, and move their important weapons. How can this be done? The world is really afraid of Qi's strength, but now the land has been multiplied and they are not practicing benevolent government. This is the last resort to move the world. It will make people humble more than respectable and alienate more than relatives. Is it careless to do it? Everyone on the left and right is called Xian, but it is not allowed; all the officials are called Xian. , it’s not possible; people in the country say it’s virtuous, and then they look at it and see if it’s virtuous, and then they use it. Everyone on the left and right says it’s not possible, so don’t listen. Yan, then go away. Everyone on the left and right says it's okay to kill, but don't listen; all the officials say it's okay to kill, but then you look at it, and if you see it's okay to kill, then kill it. "In this way, you can be the parents of the people." "Mencius: King Hui of Liang" - Translation of "Mencius: King Hui of Liang" Mencius replied: "I heard that a large area of ??seventy miles square can unite the world. Shang Tang is like this. It is not said that people are afraid of others with a large area of ????thousand miles. "Shang Shu" says: "Shang Tang's conquest began with Ge." Everyone in the world trusted Shang Tang, and he headed east. When he went to conquer, the people in the west complained. When he went to the south, the people in the north complained, (they complained) and said: "Why don't you attack us first, but put us behind?" The people look forward to him, just like the great king. It's like looking forward to dark clouds and neon lights in the drought season. (Tang's army arrived at a place, and the people going to the market went about their business as usual, and the farmers went about their farm work as usual. They killed the tyrants there, and comforted the people there. It was like timely rain falling from the sky, and the people were overjoyed. Crazy. "Shangshu" also said: "Waiting for our king, when the king comes, we will be reborn." Now, Yan State abuses its people, and the king goes to conquer it, and the people think that he will save them from dire straits. , so you put rice in bamboo baskets and wine in earthen pots to welcome the king's army. What if you kill their fathers and brothers, imprison their children, destroy their ancestral temples, and remove their country's treasures? The world was originally afraid of Qi's power, but now Qi's territory has doubled but it does not implement benevolent governance. This makes the princes of the world send troops to attack you. The king quickly issued an order to send back the captured old people and children. Stop it. If you carry the treasures of the Yan State, discuss with the people of the Yan State, elect a new king, and then evacuate the Yan State, you still have time to stop it (all countries mobilize troops).