Yang's son is nine years old and very clever. Junping Kong thought of his father, but when his father was away, he shouted. In order to set fruit, the fruit has bayberry. Confucius pointed out to his son and said, "This is the fruit of your family." The son replied, "I haven't heard that peacock is a master of poultry."
Liang Jia has a nine-year-old son named Yang. He is very clever. One day, Junping Kong came to visit his father. It happened that his father was not at home, so Junping Kong called the child out. The child brought fruit to Kong Junping, including red bayberry. Junping Kong pointed to Yangmei and showed it to the child, saying, "This is the fruit of your family." The child immediately replied, "I haven't heard that peacock is your bird."
"The Son of Yang" is selected from the quotations of Shi Shuo Xin Yu in the Southern Dynasties. This book is a novel that mainly records the anecdotes of gentry from the late Han Dynasty to the Jin Dynasty. This article tells the story of a nine-year-old boy named Yang in a middle school in Liang State.
The story is simple, humorous and interesting. The article teaches us to learn to improvise, think twice before acting, and solve problems with wisdom and courage.