
If Chang Sizong's genealogy is not established in the original order, it is easy to confuse relatives and friends, the Sect is unknown, and the name is easily reversed. Therefore, Confucius put the name correction first, and the beneficial son put the pro first. Today's respect for genealogy shows sects, so that future generations can see clearly when they look up, and they can be justified when they open their mouths. They can still see it when they enter the room, and they can smell it when they leave the room! ……

In the Confucian order, the genealogy of the far and near factions is traced back to the source, and the genealogy of the upper and lower branches is poor, that is, the generation replacement. Ten years of turmoil, black and white upside down, old and new rampant, Liu's genealogy is at stake! Fortunately, the 14th ancestor was brave and fearless, and went into hiding regardless of cleverness, so the genealogy of Nagato VI was preserved. Today, the genealogy of Zun can be traced, and the upper and lower branches have genealogies to follow. Thank yourself for your luck, and the younger generation should cherish it!

In the original order, Liu's ancestor was afraid of the world, and he gave birth to two sons and five grandchildren with the son of Jing, and his piano, chess, calligraphy and painting were safe; In the third century, the ancestors of Nanyou were afraid of their children and their good luck. The fifth ancestor taboo for handsome words, and Wang in the 6th century gave birth to three great-grandchildren brothers, Yangzi (I), the second Wen Xiu word, and the third Wencan word, commonly known as Xiqugou Liusanzhi. As the ancients said, what's the use of money with good children? What's the use of money if there are no good children?

Then, the Six Ancestors, Taboo and Sui Qin and Zhai gave birth to the Seven Ancestors Huanqu He, and the Seven Ancestors Suile Huanqu, and Sun He gave birth to the Eight Ancestors Jinshanhe (Dongtou Dyehouse Branch); Jin Shan, the eighth ancestor, cultivated Changmen Changqing (Yubao, Baoting Branch), Ermen Qingya (the eldest son who went to Yi Sheng to enter the gate) and Sanmen Qingyu (Baocheng, Jinping Branch); Nine ancestors were born in Korea to celebrate the distant place, ten ancestors were pure, and the words were natural (reading Cui), and I was like a door word (three episodes, big black branches); The first 10 grandfathers are Chunru Zhangdi 1 1 grandfathers Zongxian, Zongxian with Li, Shidi 12 grandfathers, Huaizu and Nianzu.