Zhu Zaihou, son of Jiajing Emperor Zhu Houzong, succeeded to the throne in middle age. After he acceded to the throne, he got rid of the disadvantages of Emperor Jiajing, and with the assistance of Xu Jie, Gao Gong and other wise ministers, he brought the Ming Dynasty back to the right track. History calls it Qin Long's New Deal. It can also be called Longwan Reform together with the New Deal of Zhu Yijun, the son of Wanli Emperor. He was a good emperor, but his reign was too short.
Qin Long promulgated a famous policy called "Qin Long Switch", that is, lifting the sea ban. During the Jiajing period, pirates in the waters around Fujian, Zhejiang Province made a serious riot, and merchant ships at sea were often robbed, so the maritime ban was implemented. However, at the end of Jiajing, the Japanese invasion was swept away, so Qin Long reopened its maritime trade in the first year.
Oh, there really is a place called Qin Long.