1 and yang hu are generals of Wu and Jin respectively, and yang hu is an official in Xiangyang, guarding Jingzhou. You want to unify me and destroy you, but this does not prevent them from becoming bosom friends. When Lu Kang was ill, Yang hurriedly sent medicine, and General Dongwu of Lu Kang advised him not to eat it. Lu Kang replied, "Do you have a wife and grandchildren?"
Zhou Yu, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu followed Sun Ce for hundreds of miles from Lujiang for the great cause of * *, and became brothers from then on.
Li Shimin, Sun Chang Wuji and Li Shimin married Sun Chang Wuji's sister, and Sun Chang Wuji advised Li Shimin and played an important role in the process of Li Tang's unification of China. The two have a good relationship.