Method 1: Only steam fumigation was used.
1. Fill a kettle with a capacity of about 1 liter, then put the kettle on the stove and cook it for one or two minutes, or until a lot of steam comes out, and then stop heating. Put a thermal pad on the table and put the kettle on the thermal pad.
Keep children away from the kettle when the water is heated to produce steam. It is best to fumigate when there are no children around.
2. Cover your head. Put a clean cotton towel on your head and put your head on the steaming kettle. Close your eyes and start absorbing steam. Note that the distance between face and water should be at least 3 1 cm. Let steam enter your nose and throat, but don't get too close to the steaming water to avoid burning yourself.
3. Take a deep breath. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, inhale and exhale, and so on for 5 times. Then do it twice. Do the above actions 10 minutes, or until there is no more steam coming out of the kettle.
Please try to blow your nose during and after fumigation treatment.
4, you can fumigate every two hours, or look at your own schedule, if you have time, do as much as possible.
5. How to do fumigation therapy when you are busy? If you are too busy to open the pot and then sit down to fumigate, you can also take some flexible methods. For example, stick your face on a cup of hot tea or a bowl of hot soup and let the steam in the cup or soup bowl fill your nostrils. These can be done at work or at dinner according to local conditions. Although the source of steam is different, the purpose and effect we want to achieve are the same. Humidifier can also be used to relieve sinusitis.
Method 2: add herbal fumigation
1. Fill a kettle with a capacity of about 1 liter, and then put the kettle on the stove for a minute or two, or cook until a lot of steam comes out, and then stop heating.
2. Add one or two drops of essential oil to the pot. You can first add a drop of essential oil to a liter of water. Some essential oils recommended below contain antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory ingredients, which means that these essential oils can kill bacteria and other microorganisms that cause nasal sinusitis. Spearmint and mint-both plants contain menthol, which can kill bacteria and improve human immunity.
Thyme, sage, oregano essential oil, these plants can improve human immunity, sterilize, relax blood vessels and promote blood circulation.
Lavender-Lavender can relieve people's mood and resist bacteria. It can make people calm and relax, thus relieving anxiety and depression.
Black walnut oil-if it is fungal sinusitis, you can add a drop of black walnut oil, which can kill bacteria and fungi and diminish inflammation.
Tea tree essential oil can resist bacteria, fungi and viruses and relieve some patients with sinusitis.
3. Use dried herbs. If you don't have the essential oil mentioned above, you can use dried herbs instead, and you can put half a teaspoon of dried herbs per liter of water. After adding the dried herbs, cook for another minute, then stop heating, move the kettle to a suitable place and start fumigation.
No matter what kind of herbs you use, you should have an allergy test. Every time you try a new herb, you should test it first to make sure there are no side effects, such as sneezing and itching. After the herbs are boiled in water, put your faces together and steam for one minute, then move away for 10 minute to see what happens. If you don't feel itchy or other discomfort, you can reheat the herbal water and then put your face together for fumigation treatment.
Method 3: Use other family therapy to relieve sinus pressure.
1, use a humidifier. Putting a humidifier in the bedroom when sleeping can improve sinusitis. Humidifier can generate steam and humidify air. People can inhale the air and steam treated by the humidifier, and the nasal cavity can be cleaned. If the nasal cavity is blocked, special attention should be paid to keeping the nasal cavity and sinuses moist. Dry air may cause a runny nose and further irritate the nasal mucosa.
In winter, because of central heating, most families have dry indoor air, so humidifiers are particularly useful.
Putting a bottle of hot water in the ear can also produce a similar effect, which can drain the fluid in the ear.
2. Take a hot shower. The effect of hot water shower is very similar to the fumigation treatment mentioned above. Take a long hot bath. The moist and warm air produced in the shower can wash away the blocked nasal cavity and relieve the pressure on the sinuses. Massage the face can not only warm the face, but also relieve the pressure on the sinuses.
3. Drink liquid. Drink plenty of water (at least eight glasses of water a day). Water can dilute the sticky nasal mucus in the sinuses, thus preventing congestion and relieving sinus pressure. Thick snot is easier to flow out after dilution. If you start to feel increased sinus pressure, take action to increase the water in the sinuses.
4. Keep your head standing. Putting two pillows when you sleep at night will make your head stand up. This posture makes breathing smoother and prevents the pressure in the sinuses from increasing.
Tips fumigation therapy can be carried out while doctors prescribe treatment, and nasal fumigation can be carried out while oral antibacterial and antifungal drugs are taken. If you are using nasal spray, fumigating the nasal cavity again may cause excessive irritation. In this case, please consult a doctor to see if you can fumigate the nasal cavity.
If fumigation therapy doesn't work for 5 to 7 days, please contact your doctor.
Warning fumigation therapy should not use boiling water to avoid scalding yourself.
Don't get too close to the steaming kettle. Keep the distance between your face and water at least 3 1 cm.
Children should not be allowed near boiling water.