Digitalization of ancient books

Digitalization is an important means for the regeneration and protection of ancient books; Digitalization of ancient books belongs to the category of ancient books collation, which represents the future direction of ancient books collation.

"Digitalization of ancient books" refers to the use of modern information technology to process ancient books and documents, so that they can be converted into electronic data forms, preserved and disseminated through media such as CDs and networks.

The digitization of ancient books in China has gone through three stages: database version, CD-ROM version and network version. The ancient books edition database includes bibliographic database and full-text database. There are generally three kinds of CD-ROM ancient books: image version, full-text version and graphic version. The online edition of ancient books mainly publishes digital ancient books resources on the network with or without compensation, which is the main goal of the digitalization of ancient books at present.

Digitalization of ancient books is the reproduction and processing of ancient books or their contents, which belongs to the category of ancient books collation and is a part of ancient books collation.

Regeneration protection >: = ancient books arrangement > ancient books digitization