The detailed functions of sage essential oil

1) Helps relieve feelings of sadness and depression, and can boost mood.

2) It is effective in stimulating the digestive system, especially as an appetizer.

3) Because it can regulate the secretion of hormones, it has a very good regulating effect on menstruation.

4) It is also used to treat female infertility and menopause, and has a nourishing effect on the urinary tract, liver and kidneys.

5) Sage essential oil can also stimulate the lymphatic circulation system and affect the function of the glands.

6) When applied to the muscular system, it is effective for muscle stiffness and neck stiffness, can relieve symptoms of muscle trembling and paralysis, and can relieve pain caused by rheumatism.

7) Effective in treating dermatitis, ulcers and mosquito bites, and can also reduce pores.