Origin: The Book of Rites is an article in the Book of Rites, one of the five classics of ancient Confucian works. This is an exposition of the meaning of sacrifice.
Ceng Zi said: "There are three kinds of filial piety. The greatest filial piety is to respect one's relatives, the second is not to humiliate, and the second is to be able to support."
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Ceng Zi said, "There are three types of wheezing. The first filial piety is to honor the father and the mother, the second filial piety is not to humiliate the parents, and the third filial piety is to support the parents. " Gong, who is studying, asked, "Teacher, can you say that you have achieved the word' filial piety'?"
Ceng Zi replied, "What nonsense! The so-called filial piety of a gentleman is to do what parents want without waiting for their parents to express their views, and at the same time reassure their parents that what they are doing is in line with the right path. I can only support my parents, how can I say that I have achieved the word' filial piety'! "