21-story Magic Tower (with game guide)
Start: life 1000, attack 10, defense 10, gold 0, experience 0, key 0
In Prologue: Conversation with the Fairy
Warrior:. . . . . .
Fairy: You wake up!
Warriors:. . . . . . Who are you? Where am I?
Fairy: I am the fairy here. You were knocked unconscious by the monster here just now.
Warriors:. . . . . . Sword, sword, where is my sword?
Fairy: Your sword was snatched away by them, and I only had time to rescue you.
Warrior: Then, where is the princess? I'm here to save the princess.
Fairy: The princess is still inside. You can't defeat the monsters inside if you go in like this.
Warrior: What should I do? I promised the king that I would rescue the princess, so what should I do now?
Fairy: Don’t worry, I will lend you my power, and you can defeat those monsters. However, please help me find something first.
If you find it, come find me here.
Warrior: Looking for something? Looking for something?
Fairy: It is a cross with a red gem in the middle.
Warrior: What’s the use of that thing?
Fairy: I was originally the guardian of this tower, but not long ago, a group of demons came from the north and sealed my magic power
in this cross. If If you can bring it out of the tower, then my magic power will slowly recover, and then I can lend you my power to rescue the princess. Remember: only my magic can open the door to the twenty-first floor.
Warriors:. . . . . . Okay, I'll give it a try.
Fairy: I went to see it just now. Your sword is placed on the third floor, your shield is on the fifth floor, and the cross is placed
on the seventh floor. To reach the seventh floor, you must first retrieve your sword and shield. In addition, on other floors in the tower, there are some swords and treasures that have been stored for hundreds of years. If you get them, they will be of great help to you in dealing with the monsters inside.
. I have three keys here. Take them first. There are many more keys like this in the tower. You must cherish and use them.