The 240-cent gold mainly refers to the line position of the mountain in the 240-point, which is the detail to determine the sitting degree of the mountain in the landscape. Luo Shu wears nine shoes and one shoe, three on the left, seven on the right, two on the four shoulders, and six on the eight feet, five of which are transformed into four elephants, and the sun is nine in a row, with a number of 4936; Lunar calendar 46, 46 get 24; Shaoyang lives in three consecutive seven, and four consecutive seven get twenty-eight; If you live in two consecutive eight, 48 will get 32, totaling 120. The number of people around * * * is two hundred and forty. This is the mathematical source of 240 cents. The 240-minute golden disk is used to describe the strength, thickness and decline of the qi of heaven and earth, reflecting the sympathetic state of the qi of heaven and earth. Twenty-four mountain center 10, the gas is the most vigorous. From left to right, it gradually decreases to nine points, eight points, seven points, six points, five points, four points, three points, two points and one point. Five points are repeated on both sides of two adjacent houses, so the qi of each house is divided into twenty points.
One hundred and twenty points were added by Yang Gong's disciples, and some compasses did not have two hundred and forty points. As long as you know the principle of cents, it is the same to use any kind of cents. In order to control the accuracy of acupoint selection, Yang Gong adopted a Sunday of 28 nights. Affected by precession and nutation, the 28-night star moves westward year by year, which brings great inconvenience to determining the accuracy of acupoint sitting. Therefore, Yang Gong's disciples created a 120 gold according to Sunday's graduation and the principle of "96 Red Harmony" in Zhouyi, and used it to regulate Qi. One hundred and twenty points are listed outside the human face in most compasses, which is actually wrong. Because the 120 gold plate was originally the auxiliary plate of the site, which was used in conjunction with the 72 dragon. It should have been put on the site. But no matter where the 120 cent gold coin is on the compass, just know its principle and usage. There are twenty-four mountains on the site, and each mountain is divided into five cents.