Fei, a Chinese character, is pronounced as fēi, which is silk red in Shuo Wen Jie Zi Xin Fu. Han Yu's Qu Hong Nan Gui advocates the color of purple and scarlet. And other documents.
The interpretation of the ancient book Guang Yun only slightly abridged Ji Yun, Yun Hui and Zheng Yun. The voice is not. Shuo Wen Jie Zi New Fu Zi is red silk. The thunder piece is crimson. Crimson Lotus again. The folding system in Che Fu Zhi in the Tang Dynasty is mostly five grades.
Fei ci group
1, crimson fēi hóng: (shape) scarlet: sunset glow with a face ~ | ~.
2. gossip fēi wén: a metaphor for rumors about feelings and marriage.
3, flying peach fēi táo: peach blossom.
4. Feiyi Iy: The red clothes of ancient officials.
5. Fei robe fēi páo: red official uniform.
6. Flying fish bag fēi yú dài: refers to flying clothes and fish bag. In the past, officials carried bags with fish symbols, which contained more than five items.
7. Purple fēi zǐ: refers to the red and purple official uniforms. In ancient times, senior officials held posts.
8. Yin Fei yín fíI: Silver printed red ribbon.
9. Give me a scarlet official suit. The five and four official uniforms in the Tang Dynasty are disgusting, and the grades of official uniforms later are not the same. It refers to the four points of the dice decorated with cinnabar by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty.
10, scarlet fēi sè: red, scarlet, belonging to the red system.