Long, a writer of Qi State in the Southern Dynasties, one of the "Eight Friends of Jingling", was born in Langxie Linyi. The sixth grandson of Wang Dao, prime minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the grandson of Wang Sengda, the son of Wang Daoyan, and the nephew of Wang Jian.
I have been very smart since I was a child. I am familiar with ancient books and have rich literary talent. When he was young, he promoted his talents and entered the shogunate of King Jingling, where he was greatly appreciated. The exhausted prince decided to give up his life.
When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty wrote a letter for self-study, he later moved to Cheng Chu, secretary of Zhongshu Lang.
In the ninth year of Yongming Dynasty, Emperor Wu of Liang held a banquet in Fanglin Garden to entertain the ministers and ordered everyone to write poems. At that time, Wang Rong wrote "Preface to Qushui Poems on March 3rd", which was world-famous.
In the eleventh year of Yongming's reign, he served as the host-guest boss and accepted envoys from the Northern Wei Dynasty. Dan Rong believes that he is very talented and hopes to become a public security assistant within the age of 30. When the Northern Wei Dynasty invaded the border area, King Jingling Xiao recruited people in the East Palace and appointed him as General Ning Shuo and army leader. He is one of the "Eight Friends of Jinling".
Not long after, Emperor Wu of Qi became seriously ill and wanted to correct his evil ways and made Liang Zi the emperor. Xiao and Xiao failed in their fight for the throne. He was imprisoned for his attachment, then disintegrated through a hole and executed.
Wang Rongchuan said, "The eloquence is like a river, especially Shancang's works, which are artificial and pretentious." His most famous article at that time was the "Book of Southern Qi" published on March 3. The envoys of the Northern Wei Dynasty believed that it surpassed Yan Yanzhi and could be compared with Sima Xiangru's "Preface to Qushui Poetry". Zhang Pu in the Ming Dynasty also said that "the words are related to me, but my strength has not been lost." In fact, this is a typical work. Together with Shen Yue, Xie Li, Zhou Qing and others, he created a new variant that focused on rhythm, namely "eternal poetry", which promoted the development of poetry forms. His poems use harmonious rhymes, such as "Sitting on the grass with flowers and the bright moonlight" in "Wang Ning's Collection of Stories", which are quite fascinating. Later generations often compare his poems with Xie_'s poems Being confused together shows that although his achievements are not as good as Xie's, his poetic styles are similar.