What are the stories written by Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Period?
Mencius said: Confucius wrote the Spring and Autumn Annals, and rebels and thieves were afraid. Why do you say "Confucius wrote Spring and Autumn Annals, but thieves were afraid"? During the Spring and Autumn Period, the princes held the emperor hostage, the doctors exiled the princes, and the retainers rebelled against the doctors. All people are frantically pursuing power, and they all lose power in the process of pursuing power. "In the Spring and Autumn Annals, there were thirty-six regicide, fifty-two subjugation, and countless princes who could not defend their country." The hierarchy of rites and music symbolizing Zhou Wen has now become a beautiful memory, replaced by the terrible natural state of "struggle between people" as Hobbes said. It was an era when "civilization" abdicated and "pseudo-civilization" gained enlightenment. The primitive animal instinct in people's hearts has been liberated, and people are cloaked in "civilization" and quietly recalled to the dark world before the creation of civilization. As time goes by, Confucius edited the Spring and Autumn Annals, which incorporated reasoning into the narrative, reflecting the political rationality of promoting good and restraining evil, and became the Justice of Spring and Autumn Annals. I hope to provide "historical experience" to warn future generations. This thing was later called "Spring and Autumn brushwork". After the Spring and Autumn Annals came out, there were countless "righteous and upright" theorists, and there were also many "benevolent people", which played a deterrent role in "rebelling against thieves" in previous dynasties. To sum up, it was Justice in the Spring and Autumn Period that frightened the traitor, and it was the Spring and Autumn Calligraphy that stung the traitor. This is the power of culture and public opinion.