Mean marriage will not last long; Lun Chang is a good boy and will die soon.
Brothers and uncles must decorate widows more; Young and old, both inside and outside, should be strict with themselves.
It is most shameful to see wealth and flattery; Being arrogant when you are poor is nothing more than meanness.
Do not bully widows by force or kill wild birds by greed.
Qu Zhi is old, but if you are in a hurry, you can rely on each other.
Listen to the speech lightly, realize the unreasonable accusation, be patient and think twice before you act.
If you argue about something, you must think calmly.
Seeing the color, I reported it to my wife and daughter.
Hide resentment with arrows in the back, delaying future generations.
The family is happy, although awkward, but there are times to rest.