Do Taoism have these books? What are their contents? Can I read a book? At six o'clock, the Taoist priest recommended ten episodes, and ten Wang Ji was banned.

At six o'clock, we recommend ten episodes, ten Wang Ji episodes, ten Wang episodes, ten Wang confessions, ten Wang pardons, Wang Fengzhen and so on. It should be meaningless for outsiders to read the book scientific instruments. The collected Taoist scriptures should be a set of books, not a book.

In addition, although Yulibao was a Taoist book to persuade goodness in the Song Dynasty, it was tampered with and edited by Buddhists at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, and its content can already be said to be malodorous. For books on good advice, please read the introductory articles, four trainings and so on directly.