Unfortunately, Wang Anshi, who was in a high position at that time, was offended. At that time, Wang Anshi advocated the new law, but Su Shi disagreed. On the contrary, the memorials written by Su Shi are all about Wang Anshi. Wang Anshi was in his prime. At the peak of his life, do you dare to oppose me, a little Su Dongpo? So Su Dongpo was expelled from Beijing and went to work in Huangzhou. So Su Dongpo changed from a politician to a gourmet. Although Su Dongpo was demoted to Huangzhou, he did a lot of good things without considering the people. People were very grateful to him at that time.
Send him ingredients on holidays, among which pork is the most. Pork was extremely unpopular in the Song Dynasty, but the people were poor, and pork was already better given by them. At that time, the mainstream meat in the Song Dynasty was mainly mutton, and pork tasted terrible. At that time, mutton was more expensive, Su Dongpo was not so rich, and with so much pork sent by the people, I was wondering if I could improve it, so Dongpo meat appeared. Dongpo meat not only solved its own problems, but also solved some people's problems.
Since then, Su Dongpo has never gone back on the road of inventing food. Later, Dongpo tofu, Dongpo soup and Dongpo cake were invented. In fact, we can see that Su Dongpo invented these foods. In fact, the materials are relatively cheap, and they are all ingredients of ordinary people. So I personally think that Su Dongpo invented these foods for two reasons. One is to make people eat more comfortably, and the other is to be poor.