From the Book of Commandments by Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms. A gentleman's journey is quiet to cultivate one's morality, and frugal to cultivate one's morality. If you don't stay in the garden, you will be unclear, restless and not far away. If you study quietly, you must study. If you don't study, you won't learn widely. If you have no ambition, you can't succeed.
If you are slow, you can't be energetic, and if you are dangerous, you can't be radical. Time goes by, meaning goes by, and then becomes withered, not meeting the world, and staying in a poor house sadly. What will happen? The character of a gentleman is to improve self-cultivation from tranquility and cultivate morality from thrift.
Vernacular translation
The character of a gentleman is to improve self-cultivation from tranquility and cultivate morality from thrift. You can't be clear about your ambitions without being quiet, and you can't achieve your lofty goals without excluding external interference. Learning must be calm and single-minded, and talent comes from learning. No progress without learning, no success with learning.
Indulging in laziness can't cheer you up, nor can impatience and adventure cultivate your temperament. Time flies, and the will passes with the years. In the end, most of them are out of touch with the world and are not used by society. They can only sit in the poor house sadly. How could they regret it at that time?