Zhuge Liang studied under Mr. Si Mahui, a water mirror, when he was a teenager. Zhuge Liang studied hard and used his head diligently. Not only Sima Caode appreciates him, but also Sima's wife values him very much. They all like this studious and brainy boy. At that time, there were no clocks, and time was recorded by sundials. There is no sun on rainy days. Time is not easy to grasp. In order to record time, Si Mahui trained cock to crow on time by feeding regularly. Zhuge Liang is gifted and intelligent. Mr. Sima knows what he says as he pleases, and can't help but understand his thirst for knowledge. In order to learn more, he wanted Mr. Wang to extend the lecture time, but Mr. Wang always relied on the cock crow, so Zhuge Liang thought: If the cock crow time is extended, Mr. Wang's lecture time will be extended. So he brought some food in his pocket when he went to school. It is estimated that when the chicken is about to crow, he will feed it some food, and the chicken will not crow when it is full.
After a while, Mr. Sima wanted to know why the chicken didn't crow on time. Careful observation shows that Zhuge Liang fed the chickens when they crowed. When teacher Sima was in class, he asked the students why chickens didn't crow on time. Other students are at a loss. Zhuge Liang knew it in his heart, but he was an honest man, so he truthfully reported to Teacher Sima about feeding chickens when they crowed, so as to prolong the teacher's teaching time. Teacher Sima was so angry that he burned the book on the spot and wouldn't let him continue his study. Zhuge Liang is eager to learn, but he can't learn, and he can't force it, so he goes to ask Mrs. Sima. Sima Fu deeply sympathized with the punishment of letting Ge Liang feed the chickens to study, so he pleaded with Mr. Sima. Teacher Sima said: "At an early age, I didn't work hard on my homework, but I let my thoughts deceive the teacher." This is a bad intention, and this person can't be big. "Mrs. Sima interceded for Zhuge Liang many times, saying that although he was a little careful at an early age, he always wanted to learn more and had no other plans. Hearing this, Mr. Sima felt reasonable and agreed that Zhuge Liang would continue his studies.
Mr. Sima burned Zhuge Liang's book in a rage, and after his wife persuaded him, he agreed to continue studying. But how can I read without books? The lady said to Mr. Sima, "You have the back shell of a thousand-year-old tortoise. Legend can make people know the past in a thousand years and the future in 500 years. You might as well let Zhuge Liang try. If it's useful, why do you want a book? " Mr. Sima thought that he had burned the book, so he had to do as his wife said.
Zhuge Liang put the turtle shell given by his wife on his body, which became the costume of his life-gossip suit. What I learned in the past is vivid in my mind, and I can understand it without telling the truth.