The king of Qin sent someone to find Anlingjun: "I want to exchange 500 miles of land in Fiona Fang for Anlingjun, and Anlingjun must promise me!" An Lingjun said: "The king gave you a favor and exchanged a large piece of land for a small piece, which is very good;" Even so, I accepted the fief from my late king, and I am willing to protect it all the time. I really dare not change! " The king of Qin was very dissatisfied. So Anlingjun sent Tang Ju to the State of Qin.
The King of Qin said to Tang Ju, "I traded 500 miles of land in Fiona Fang for Anlingjun, but Anlingjun didn't listen to me. Why? Besides, Qin destroyed South Korea and Wei, but Anlingjun survived with the land of five miles in Fiona Fang, because I took Anlingjun as a loyal minister, so I didn't play his mind. Now I use ten times the land of Anlingjun to expand the territory, but he doesn't despise me against my will? " Tang Ju replied, "No, it's not like that. A Ling Junren accepted the fief from the former king and defended it. Even a thousand miles of land can't be exchanged, let alone just five hundred miles? "
The king of Qin was furious and said to Tang Ju, "Have you ever heard of the anger of the Emperor?" Tang Ju replied: "I have never heard of it." The king of Qin said, "The son of heaven is angry, with millions of corpses and thousands of miles of blood." Tang Ju said, "Has your Majesty ever heard of the anger of civilians?" The king of Qin said, "When civilians get angry, they take off their hats and walk barefoot, hitting their heads on the ground." Tang Ju said: "This is the anger of mediocre and incompetent people, not the anger of talented and courageous people. When Zhuan Xu assassinated Wu Wangliao, the comet's tail swept the moon, and when Nie Zheng assassinated South Korea, a white light shone directly at the sun. When he was about to assassinate Qing Ji, the goshawk suddenly pounced on the palace. All three of them are talented and courageous people in the common people, and before their anger broke out, heaven sent down a sign of bad luck. Now, (Zhu, Nie Zheng, leaving) me and four people. If talented and courageous people must be angry, the blood of two dead people is only five steps away, and everyone in the world has to wear mourning. This is the case today. " So he drew his sword and stood up.
The king of Qin changed his face and knelt down to apologize to Tang Ju, saying, "Please sit down, sir! How could this happen! I see: the reason why South Korea and Wei perished, while Anling survived with a land of fifty miles, was only because there was a gentleman! "
(1) from the Warring States Policy Wei Ce Si (Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 1978 edition), the title of which was added by later generations. The Warring States Policy was compiled by Liu Xiang at the end of the Western Han Dynasty according to the history books of the Warring States Period, with a total of 33 articles, which are divided into Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Western Zhou Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, Qi Dynasty, Chu Dynasty, Zhao Dynasty, Wei Dynasty, Han Dynasty, Yan Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Wei Dynasty and Twelve Strategies. Tang Ju (jū), also known as Qi Tang, was named after it. Living up to your mission means that you have accomplished it. Humiliation, humiliation, disappointment.
(2) The King of Qin was Ying Zheng, the first Qin Emperor. At that time, he had not proclaimed himself.
3[ Ling Jun] The monarch of Guo Ling. Anling was a small country then. Now it is in the northwest of Yan (yān) Mausoleum in Henan Province. It turned out to be Wei's territory. During the Warring States Period, Wei Xiangwang named his brother Ann Ling Jun.
(4) [Easy] exchange.
⑤ Auxiliary words used to emphasize mood in [its] sentence.
6 [plus welfare] Give human feelings.
⑦ [Qin destroyed Korea and Wei] In the seventeenth year of Qin Shihuang (the first 230 years), Han was destroyed, and in the twenty-second year of Qin Shihuang (the first 225 years), Wei was destroyed.
⑧ It's good to treat you as an elder, so I don't care. I treat An Lingjun as a loyal elder, so I don't play his mind. Wrong meaning, wrong meaning. Wrong, pass the "Measures".
Pet-name ruby 【 please widely in jun 】 means to let AnLingJun expand territory. Broaden and expand.
Attending [and] interrogative mood auxiliary words. .
(1) [straight] only, only.
[2] [4] Angry eyes.
(3) [Gong] is equivalent to "Sir", which is a respectful name for people in ancient times.
(4) [cloth] civilians. In ancient times, people without official positions all wore cloth clothes, so they were called cloth clothes.
[5][ Don't wear a hat (xi m m ∥ n), grab your ears with your head (qiāng)] Just take off your hat, barefoot and hit your head on the ground. Grab, bump.
[6] a mediocre and incompetent person.
(7) [Shi] here refers to talented and courageous people.
Zhuan Xu assassinated Wu Wangliao (when), and the comet swept the moon. Zhuan Xu was a native of Wu in the Spring and Autumn Period. Childe just wanted to kill Liao Wang and start his own business, so Zhuan Xu hid the dagger in the belly of the fish and killed Liao Wang in the name of offering sacrifices to the fish. "Comet hitting the moon" and later "Bai Hongguan hitting the sun" and "Goshawk hitting the temple" are all natural phenomena. This paper links these phenomena with personnel, which is an ancient superstition.
(9) 【 Nie stabbed Han Hou (Gu: You) and Bai Hongguan 】 When he assassinated Han Hou (Shi), a white light went straight to Sun. Nie Zheng was a Korean in the Warring States Period. Han Jing is the Prime Minister of South Korea. Yin Zhongzi, a Korean doctor, had a grudge against Han Fu, so he asked Nie Zheng to kill Han Fu.
⑽ 【 If you want to leave, you will stab Qing Ji, and the goshawk will strike the temple 】 If you want to leave, you will assassinate Qing Ji, and the goshawk will pounce on the palace. Qing Ji is the son of Wu Wangliao. After killing Liao Wang, Gongzi Guang fled to Weiguo, and Gongzi Guang sent someone to kill him. Pale, pass "pale".
⑾ 【 Anger first, then anger, then heaven 】. God will give you a hint before the anger in your heart erupts. Hugh, a sign of good or bad luck. Hugh, auspicious. Well, this is a bad omen.
⑿ 【 I will be with four people 】 (Zhuan Xu, Nie Zheng, whether to stay or not) will be four people. This is the suggestion of Tang drama that the King of Qin should follow Zhuan Xu, Li and assassinate the King of Qin.
[13] White silk, here refers to wearing mourning clothes.
【 14 】【 Qin Wang is scratching 】 Qin Wang changed his face. Scratch and give in.
⒂ Kneel straight and apologize to Tang Ju. The ancients sat on the floor with their knees on the ground and their hips on their heels. When kneeling, the upper body is straight, indicating solemnity. Thank you and apologize.
[Oracle] Understand, understand.