Yan Hui (52 BC1-48 BC1) was honored as Yanzi, whose word was Ziyuan, and he was a native of Lu at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period. At the age of fourteen, I worshipped Confucius as a teacher and worked as a teacher all my life. He is the most proud student of Confucius. Confucius praised Yan Hui the most, and praised him for being studious and kind. Scholars of all previous dynasties praised Yan Hui, and Yan Hui was named Confucius, who worshipped him too firmly, while emperors of all previous dynasties gave him gifts.
In the process of studying and carrying forward Confucianism founded by Confucius, Yan Hui always tried his best, and the hardships of life seriously damaged his health. In the 14th year of Lu Aigong (48 BC1), Yanzi, a master of Confucianism, passed away on August 23rd, leaving the world with eternal regret. Because his family was very difficult, it was impossible to carry out the funeral according to the relevant etiquette at that time. Finally, with the help of his disciples and friends, his father Yan Lu raised money everywhere and managed to finish the funeral.