How to insert symbols of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in WPS 20 13?

Frequently used symbols, especially in calculation, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be said to be relatively common. By default, you will type with the keyboard, but in some cases, you can't type directly. What should you do? In WPS20 13, you can input these symbols quickly and easily, and you can also define shortcut keys.

biographical notes

Insert other symbols from the menu bar, select Latin-1 as the subset, and you can insert the division symbol. Because this step is complicated every time, you can switch to the symbol bar tab and set shortcut keys for common symbols, such as Ctrl+ 1.


(1) Start the WPS text and click the menu bar-Insert-Symbol-Other Symbols.

② Select Latin-1 as the subset, then find the divisor and click the Insert button.

③ You can see that the division number has been inserted in the document, but this is inconvenient. We have to repeat these steps every time to get in. Let's click the symbol column label.

④ We can set shortcut keys for these commonly used symbols for future use.