Guardian spirit official
Volume 7 of the Collection of Wudang Blessed Land records: "Five hundred Lingguan in Wudang Mountain Blessed Land. In the place visited by God in those days, there were 500 spiritual officials who were in charge of guarding monks, and all the merits were guaranteed by the officials, who tested good deeds and punished crimes. " These 500 Lingguan are Taoist protectors, led by Wang Lingguan.
Wang Lingguan is a common god in Taoist temples, and usually appears at the entrance. Wang Lingguan, whose real name is Wang Xie, was originally the goddess of Yin in Xiaoxiang. His temple needs people to sacrifice their childhood virgins. When Sasuke Kenzo passed by, he was furious when he saw people offering their virgins to the temple gods here. "These evil spirits should burn their temples!" After that, the thunder and fire burned the temple, and no one could save it. After that, Wang Lingguan followed Sa Zhenren 12 years, expecting Sa Zhenren to do something bad, but nothing happened. From then on, Wang Xie changed his name to Wang Shan, and said that he would abandon evil and be good, and protect the practitioners in the world.
Therefore, the image of Wang Lingguan is like a person who has been burned. His face is red and his beard is like a steel needle. His eyes glared at Strafe. This kind of glare is to monitor the practitioners in the world, and this kind of fierceness is to warn practitioners not to do evil!
Stars and gods
In Taoism, there are twenty-eight night gods. Twenty-eight Night Gods belong to the ancient astronomical constellations in China, because they are the forerunners with spiritual avenue. They are:
Seven nights of the oriental black dragon: horn, health, edge, room, heart, tail and dustpan;
Seven nights in northern Xuanwu: fighting, cattle, women, air, danger, houses and walls;
Seven nights in the West White Tiger: Kui, Lou, Stomach, Chang, Bi, Gou and Shen;
Seven nights in South Suzaku: well, ghost, willow, star, Zhang, wing and bird.
Each of the 28 hotels symbolizes a part of the inherent avenue. In order to specify this part of the avenue, the sages expressed it with familiar animal images, so some animal-like gods appeared in Taoism.
(The picture shows the image of God with five stars and twenty-eight nights. )
In addition to twenty-eight nights, Jin Mu's five elements of fire, water and soil also have a certain innate avenue because of their operation, and sages also use familiar animal images to express them.
The picture above shows the real shape of Mercury, in which the goddess Mercury wears a monkey crown. In ancient China, monkeys were the representatives of water! Legend has it that in ancient times, Dayu controlled water. At the time of Huaihe River, there was a monkey spirit who had no backing to make waves. In Shan Hai Jing, there is also a monster similar to a monkey who predicted the flood. Like in Shan Hai Jing? "Nanshan Jing" records: "There is a beast, which is shaped like Yu and has four ears. Its name is long and right, and it sounds like singing. When you look at it, the county seat is flooded. " It means there is a monkey with a long name and four ears. Wherever you see this monkey, there will be a flood.
Acquired god
In Taoism, immortals are made by human beings. Although people will continue to beautify their heroes, it will not be too outrageous. Therefore, the image of Tie Guai Li's father in idols is still a lame beggar.
(The picture shows Qing? Tie Guai Li with wooden tires)
Therefore, the image of God Tan Gong worshipped in Hong Kong and Macao is still a child, because he was a child before his death.
There are so many ugly gods in Taoism that I can't explain them here, but most of them are because of these three reasons. If it's just to make people believe, a good-looking and kind image is even more awesome, but it's not. These ugly gods either tell practitioners not to lose heart, some are on the way to inheritance, and some are telling people that God is man-made.
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